
Government: Yemen is witnessing the worst setback in its history after 10 years of the catastrophic Houthi coup

Political| 21 September, 2024 - 10:43 AM

Aden: Yemen Youth Net

He pointed out that this ominous anniversary comes after the Yemenis realized the truth about the Houthi militia as the ugliest and most hideous group in history, and that it has no project other than death, destruction and devastation, and the extent of its inability and failure to manage the occupied areas and provide the most basic rights represented in salaries and basic services.

He pointed out that the citizens have lived for ten years a life of hell with the trilogy (poverty, hunger, ignorance, disease), while the militia leadership and their families live in a state of luxury and obscene wealth that exposes the lies and falsehood of their slogans.

Al-Eryani stated that what gives hope on the tenth anniversary of the Nakba is the ongoing resistance of Yemenis of all political orientations and societal groups, and the overwhelming popular rejection of the Persian Houthi project in the governorates under its control and its ideas that are alien to Yemenis, as they realize that the Houthi coup is the root of the problem from which all subsequent problems and crises arose, including war, fighting, destruction, devastation, displacement, migration, and exorbitant prices.

The Yemeni Minister appreciated the support and backing provided by the brothers in the Saudi-led coalition to support legitimacy to the Yemeni government and people in confronting the Houthi militia coup and the Persian project, which he said "played the most prominent role in preventing Yemen from turning into an Iranian province, and their efforts and honorable historical positions continue in the political, economic, developmental and humanitarian fields, and their generous sponsorship of efforts to end the war and establish peace."

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