
Al-Alimi holds emergency meeting with the Supreme Security Committee to discuss its role in supporting the efforts of the Central Bank

Political| 20 October, 2024 - 2:40 PM

Aden: Yemen Youth Net


On Sunday, the Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council, Dr. Rashad Muhammad Al-Alimi, held an emergency meeting with the Supreme Security Committee, as part of the Council’s efforts to enhance security and stability, and facilitate the efforts of the government and the Central Bank in managing the economic, service, and financial conditions.

The meeting was attended by the Minister of Defense and Chairman of the Supreme Security Committee, Lieutenant General Mohsen Al-Daari, and members of the committee, the Minister of Interior, Major General Ibrahim Haydan, the Head of the National Security Service, Major General Ahmed Al-Musabi, the Head of the Military Intelligence and War Reconnaissance Authority, Major General Ahmed Al-Yafei, the Undersecretary of the Political Security Service, Major General Nour Al-Din Al-Yami, and Brigadier General Abdul Hakim Shaif, Rapporteur of the Supreme Security Committee.

The meeting was also attended by the Minister of State and Governor of Aden Governorate, Ahmed Lamlas, the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Yemen, Dr. Mohammed Omar Banajah, and the Director of Aden Police, Major General Mutahhar Al-Shaibi, according to the Yemeni News Agency "Saba".

The meeting discussed a number of files, security and military issues, efforts to enhance security and stability in the interim capital, Aden, and the liberated governorates, and the requirements required to confront the plans of the terrorist Houthi militias and the organizations collaborating with them.

The meeting was briefed by the Ministers of Defense and Interior, and the heads of the relevant agencies, on reports on the files on the meeting agenda, and the measures taken regarding them at various levels.

The meeting focused on the role of the Supreme Security Committee in enhancing and supporting the efforts of the Central Bank, enabling it to manage monetary policy, and implement its measures aimed at protecting the national currency, controlling the exchange market, and deterring speculators, black market traders, and practices that harm the national economy and the living conditions in the country.

The Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, praised the successes of the armed forces, security forces, and all military and security formations in combating terrorism, smuggling, and organized crime, and their pivotal role in enhancing security and stability in the interim capital, Aden, and the liberated governorates.

The President stressed the role of the Supreme Security Committee in improving security and military decision-making, rapid response to changes, deterring terrorist plots, and combating the smuggling of money, weapons, and narcotics.

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