
The Islah Party affirms its keenness to achieve just peace in accordance with the three references

Locals| 21 August, 2024 - 10:07 PM

Yemen Youth - Follow-ups


Meeting of the Islah leadership with the Turkish ambassador to Yemen

The Yemeni Congregation for Reform Party confirmed, on Wednesday, its keenness to establish a just and comprehensive peace in the Republic of Yemen in accordance with the three references.

This came during a meeting between the advisor to the President of the Republic, head of the parliamentary bloc and member of the Supreme Reform Commission, Abdul Razzaq Al-Hijri, on Wednesday with the Turkish Ambassador to Yemen, Mr. Mustafa Bulat, according to what was reported by the "Islah Net" website, the party's mouthpiece.

During the meeting, Al-Hajri addressed the escalation of the Houthi coup militia, its crimes and violations against the Yemenis, the latest of which was what happened in Al-Bayda, and its rejection of all peace efforts and endeavors.

In the meeting, Al-Hijri appreciated the support of the brothers in Turkey for the Yemeni leadership and government, and their support for Yemen, its legitimacy, unity, sovereignty, security, stability and territorial integrity, as well as their relief and humanitarian support.

Al-Hajri praised the support of the brothers in the sisterly Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for Yemen, its legitimate government and its people, in various economic, political, relief and humanitarian fields.

Al-Hajri stressed the Islah Party's support for the efforts of the Presidential Leadership Council and the government to improve conditions and establish peace, appreciating the efforts and support of brothers and friends for the legitimate government.

Al-Hijri reiterated the Yemeni people's and their legitimate government's support for the Palestinian people and their rejection of the brutal Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, and the demand to quickly stop the war of genocide practiced by the Zionist entity against the Palestinian people.

He stressed the support of the Islah Party and the Yemeni political and national forces for the right of the Palestinian people to be liberated from the Israeli occupation and to establish their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital.

For his part, Turkish Ambassador Mustafa Bolat welcomed the Islah leadership and renewed his country's support for the Presidential Leadership Council and the legitimate Yemeni government and their support for the efforts of brothers, friends and the international community to bring peace to Yemen.

The Turkish Ambassador to Yemen also reiterated his country's position in support of Yemen, its legitimate government, its unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

He renewed Türkiye's support for Yemen, its legitimate government, its unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

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