
Hadramout Reform: The governorate and Yemen in general cannot be managed by a single political component

Political| 16 September, 2024 - 10:51 PM

Exclusive: Yemen Youth Net


Hadramout Reform

The head of the political department of the Islah Party in Hadhramaut, Fouad Barbud, said that the party played a pivotal role in strengthening the political process over the past three decades, up to the current stage in which the country is witnessing major democratic challenges.

In a special statement to Yemen Youth TV, on the occasion of the party’s celebrations of the thirty-fourth anniversary of its founding, Barbud stressed that “Hadhramaut and Yemen in general cannot be managed by a single political component, but rather through a broad and comprehensive political partnership.”

Barbud said, "The Yemeni Congregation for Reform is celebrating its 34th anniversary. This giant party has sought and is seeking to establish and root the political process in Yemen, starting from the first parliamentary elections witnessed by the country in 1993 until today."

He stressed that "the country is today going through a dangerous turning point and major challenges with the Houthi militia's coup against state institutions, the democratic process, and the entire political process, which was unfortunately in its infancy."

He added, "However, the Yemeni Islah Party is still keen to maintain political partnership with all active components in society, at the central level and at the Hadhramaut Governorate level in particular."

Barbud added, "We in the Islah Party in Hadhramaut have been keen, with all our competence and competence, and with the responsibility we have assumed before our society, to deepen the national partnership, with all political forces and parties, national and influential figures, and social dignitaries."

He continued: "From one day to the next, we seek to unify the Hadrami ranks for the sake of the demands of the people of the governorate, and to achieve partnership, and that Hadhramaut and the country as a whole cannot be managed by one political component, but rather by partnership, which is one of our basic principles."

Barbud said, "A short time ago, we sat with our brothers in the Transitional Council, and we put our vision on the table, and we confirmed to them that Hadhramaut will not be established unless everyone meets at one table, for the demands of Hadhramaut and its people."

The head of the political department of the Hadhramaut Reform Party pointed out that the party "is making continuous efforts to unify the Hadhrami ranks and work to alleviate the suffering, especially with regard to the collapse of the currency, the living conditions, and fuel."

Barbud stressed, "The necessity of national forces uniting in order to come up with a comprehensive national project that alleviates the suffering of the people and achieves political stability."

He noted that "two years ago, the political components in Hadhramaut met, most notably the Islah, the General People's Congress, the Socialist, the Transitional Council, the Hadhramaut General Conference, and the Hadhramaut Tribal Authority, and signed an agreement to come up with a unified vision for the advancement of the governorate."

The head of the Islah political department said: “There is no need for division, separation, political intrigues and disputes, and personal interests. Let Hadhramaut be in the eyes of all of us. The people have had enough suffering...”

Fouad Barboud stressed, "If the leaders with national loyalty and the national project come together, we are able to build our society and our communities in general, and this is what the reform movement and all the active forces in society in general are striving for."

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