
They stormed the hall and terrorized the children.. Elements affiliated with the Transitional Council foil an event for the Ministry of Youth and Sports in Aden

Locals| 12 August, 2024 - 2:22 PM

Yemen Youth Net - Special


STC elements storm Ministry of Youth and Sports event in Aden (social media)

Elements of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) thwarted an event held by the Ministry of Youth and Sports on the occasion of International Youth Day in the interim capital, Aden, in southern Yemen, on Monday.

Local sources told Yemen Youth Net that elements affiliated with the Transitional Council, who were raising the secession flag, stormed the hall where the "Third Active Youth Forum" was being held in Sheikh Othman District in Aden.

She added that the elements tore up the event's signboard with fire, raised secessionist flags, and terrified the children, chanting slogans against the event organizers, which prompted those present at the event, including the Undersecretaries of the Ministry of Youth, Munir Mani' and Nadia Abdullah, to leave the hall after storming it.

Later, the official website of the Ministry of Youth and Sports reported that Minister Al-Bakri received the Aden girls who were preparing to participate in the celebration held by the ministry on the occasion of International Youth Day, after it was foiled by elements outside the system and the law.

He said that Al-Bakri reassured the young girls after the state of panic and fear they were exposed to, as a result of the storming of the hall and the chaos and destruction carried out by irresponsible elements, and the failure of the event.

The Minister talked to them and reassured them after some of them burst into tears due to the fear that gripped them during the storming of the hall and their inability to perform the songs that they had prepared to present at the celebration.

Minister Al-Bakri receives the flowers of Aden (Ministry of Youth)

Al-Bakri also took memorial photos with the girls from Aden schools, honored them with a sum of money, held a luncheon in their honor, and directed the relevant authorities to organize a trip to one of the playgrounds in Aden next Saturday, according to the statement.

It is noteworthy that the "Active Youth Forum" is being held for the third consecutive year in Aden, discussing youth issues, and is sponsored by the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

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