
American Justice: Houthi militia's practices against September Revolution celebrants "crime that requires accountability"

Political| 29 September, 2024 - 5:48 AM

Michigan: Yemen Youth Net


The American Center for Justice ( ACJ ) considered the repressive measures and practices committed by the terrorist Houthi militia against those celebrating the glorious September Revolution, an attempt to impose a policy of terrorism and a crime that requires accountability.

The center said in a statement that the repressive measures taken by the Houthi group against many Yemenis in areas controlled by the group to prevent them from celebrating the anniversary of the September Revolution "reflect the deterioration of the level of freedoms in the country, expressing its concern about the policy of prosecutions against those celebrating the anniversary of the September Revolution in Yemen."

He added that the past five days witnessed a large-scale arrest campaign, targeting hundreds of citizens, including lawyers, party leaders, and human rights activists in the governorates of Ibb, Hodeidah, Dhamar, Sana'a, and Amran.

He continued, "The Houthi group has leveled false charges against dozens of detainees, accusing them of forming cells linked to aggression and destabilizing security in the country. The group has threatened to use force against anyone who tries to call for gatherings or taking to the squares under any pretext, which reflects a policy of gagging and suppressing freedom of opinion and expression."

ACJ added: "In a dangerous escalation, the Houthi group deployed military armored vehicles and gunmen two days ago, in addition to others wearing civilian clothes in the streets and alleys of the areas it controls, with the aim of pursuing the celebrants and preventing them from expressing their opinions and commemorating the revolution."

The American Center for Justice stressed that these practices represent a flagrant violation of the Yemeni Constitution and the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which Yemen has acceded, regarding the right of citizens to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, the formation of political and civil groups and organizations, and the prohibition of any arbitrary arrest or unlawful detention.

ACJ stressed that what the Houthi group is doing "is a clear violation of these basic rights and an attempt to impose a systematic policy of terror against civilians using force and spreading fear among them. These violations also contradict the provisions of the Yemeni constitution and international laws, and constitute a crime that requires accountability."

The center called on the international community and human rights organizations to exert pressure on the Houthi group to stop all forms of repression against Yemenis, release all detainees immediately, and guarantee the right of citizens to express their opinions and participate in national celebrations without fear or threat.

The center also called on the Houthi group to stop using force and threats against civilians, and to abide by international and local laws that guarantee human rights, especially freedom of expression and peaceful assembly.

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