
Human Rights Organization: Houthi Militia Kidnapped 282 Citizens in Dhamar for Celebrating the September Revolution

Political| 2 October, 2024 - 6:02 AM

Exclusive: Yemen Youth Net - Follow-ups


The Equality Organization for Rights and Freedoms said that it documented the kidnapping of 282 civilians by the Houthi militia in Dhamar Governorate during the past ten days, against the backdrop of celebrating the September 26 Revolution or raising the national flag in celebration of this national occasion.

The organization added in a statement issued on Tuesday that the kidnappings documented by it during the period from September 20 to 30 were distributed across nine directorates (Al-Hada, Wasab Al-Ali, Jahran, Dhamar City, Atmah, Maghrib Ans, Al-Manar, Dhuran, Jabal Al-Sharq).

She pointed out that the most kidnapping cases were in Al-Hada’a District, with 120 kidnapping cases, then Wasab Al-Ali with 100 cases, and 22 cases in Jahran, noting that these statistics do not include all the kidnapped people in the governorate, whose numbers far exceed these announced numbers, but are limited to the cases that the organization was able to monitor and document all their details from the field.

The Equality Organization explained in its statement that "the Houthi group is still continuing to launch wide-scale arrest campaigns in most of the districts of Dhamar Governorate until this moment," condemning the continuation of this repressive and unjustified attack against citizens who express their loyalty to the revolution and the republic and celebrate their national occasions.

The organization stressed that these practices do not only represent a violation of the rights guaranteed in the constitution, but are also a clear assault on the September 26 Revolution, which is a symbol of freedom and independence for Yemenis, and a clear insult to the national flag, which represents Yemen’s identity and symbol of its sovereignty. Insulting it in any way is a crime punishable by law.

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