
Iran announces Houthis' approval to withdraw the "Sunion" tanker, which has been burning for a week in the Red Sea

Locals| 29 August, 2024 - 12:12 AM

Yemen Youth Net


Sonion tanker catches fire in Red Sea, Wednesday 28 August 2024 according to the European Union (ASPIDES)

Iran announced that the Houthis agreed to withdraw the "Sunion" tanker, which has been operating for about a week in the Red Sea, amid fears and warnings of an environmental disaster if an oil leak begins.

Iran's mission to the United Nations said Wednesday that the Houthis had agreed to a temporary truce to allow tugboats and rescue ships to reach an oil tanker that is still on fire in the Red Sea, amid the escalating risk of an oil spill.

The Iranian mission added that several countries contacted the Houthis to request "a temporary truce to allow tugboats and rescue ships to enter the accident area, taking into account humanitarian and environmental concerns, and they agreed to the request."

The fire is still burning

For its part, the European Union mission in the Red Sea "Espides" confirmed on Wednesday that the oil tanker Sunion, which was recently attacked by the Houthis in the Red Sea, has been on fire since August 23.

"Fires were detected in several locations on the main deck of the ship. There is no oil leak, and the ship is still anchored and not drifting," Aspidis added in a statement via the "X" platform.

The statement stressed that "all ships passing through the area must move with the utmost caution, as the ship poses a navigational hazard and an imminent and serious threat to regional pollution."

“To avoid a catastrophic environmental crisis, the EU Naval Forces, in coordination with European authorities, are assessing the situation and stand ready to facilitate any preventive courses of action,” he continued.

Successful mitigation will require close coordination and active participation by regional countries, the statement said.

The US Department of Defense (Pentagon) said - the day before yesterday, Tuesday - that a number of projectiles struck the Greek-flagged tanker "Sunion" off the Yemeni coastal city of Hodeidah last week, and that the fire is still burning and oil is apparently leaking from it.

The Houthis claimed responsibility for attacking the tanker, which was loaded with 150,000 tons of crude oil.

Houthi spokesman Mohammed Abdul Salam told Reuters on Wednesday that there was no temporary truce, and that the group had only agreed to allow the Sunion oil tanker to be towed after being contacted by several international parties.

Pentagon spokesman Patrick Ryder said Tuesday that a third party tried to send two tugs to help rescue the tanker, but the Houthis threatened to attack them.

Houthi attacks have sunk two ships and killed at least three sailors during their 10-month campaign that has disrupted international shipping by forcing ship operators to avoid the Suez Canal.

Source: Yemen Youth Net + Agencies

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