
Accusing the West of Collusion... Israeli Writer Calls for a "Crazy" Response to Iran

World| 8 October, 2024 - 7:00 PM


A well-known Israeli writer has called for Israel to unleash what he called its "madness" to respond as a necessary step to deter Iran, which he described as the "head of the snake" that stirs up conflicts in the region and pulls the strings of what he considers the "axis of evil."

In his article in Yedioth Ahronoth, Ben-Dror Yemini considered that harming the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and Hezbollah is not enough, and accused the academic and political elites in the West of encouraging and supporting the “axis of evil.”

Yamini saw the current situation as not just a military conflict, but a battle between the "free world" and the "forces of evil" that include Iran and its allies, but he strongly criticized what he considered the surrender of the free world to Iran.

"The free world is a prisoner of the lies industry that makes the axis of evil, which imposes destruction and terror, appear just, while Israel is held responsible for the problems," he said.

play outside the rules

"This madness will not end if Israel continues to play by the rules, or if it surrenders to the pressure of the free world, which cares more about oil prices than about Iran's threats to destroy Israel," he added, referring to the US administration's fears that an Israeli strike on Iranian oil facilities would cause a sharp rise in the prices of oil and its derivatives.

The writer presented a bleak picture of the global situation, criticizing the United States and European countries that hesitate to confront Iran firmly, noting that sanctions alone will not deter Iran, and that Israel must take bold steps regardless of the position of the international community.

"Israel must go crazy, not only for its own sake, but also for the sake of the free world," he said in this context, stressing that "allowing Iran to move forward without deterrence will make the entire world pay the price," he claimed.

Call to destroy Iran's nuclear

To underscore his extreme position, the writer claimed that “if the axis of evil emerges from this terrible battle unscathed, Israel will not be the only one to pay the price, and tens of millions in the Middle East will continue to suffer. The nations of the free world will pay a heavy price.”

It is surprising that the writer demonstrates the heavy price the world will pay if Iran is not attacked, by pointing out that “the streets of London, Paris, New York and Madrid are filled with demonstrators who support the axis of evil”!

Yamini went on to call for direct, harsh and decisive Israeli strikes on Iran's nuclear facilities, saying, "Israel must destroy Iran's nuclear facilities... It is time for Israel's motto to be 'by any means necessary', with or without the United States."

In the context of the incitement, the writer claimed that "tens of millions, including 6 million Jews, have already paid a heavy price for the madness of absolute evil (Iran)," calling on his country not to repeat the mistakes of the past and to refrain from self-restraint.

Accusing the West of collusion!

Yamini accused the academic and political elites in the West of encouraging and supporting what he called the axis of evil, saying, "Countless lecturers stand with the axis of evil, justify massacres, accuse Israel of colonialism, and claim that Israel is practicing genocide."

The Israeli writer considered that "these calls are part of a broad campaign to distort Israel's image and downplay the Iranian threats," adding, "They lie without stopping. They know, and they certainly should know, that the leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah declare that their goal is to exterminate the Jews and conquer all the countries of the free world in order to establish an Islamic caliphate," he claimed.

Yemini warned of the serious consequences of Israel not launching a decisive strike against Iran, and explained, "If this regime is not eliminated, if it has the ability, if it obtains nuclear weapons, it will destroy Israel... Israel must take action by any means necessary."

While the writer called on Israel to act independently, relying on its own strength to deter the Iranian threat, "even if the price is high," he stressed that "Israel must refuse to surrender to any international pressure that might push it to reduce its operations against Iran."

He concluded his article by pointing out that "any price Israel will pay today for independent and decisive action against Iran will be less than the price Israel will pay in the future."

Source: Israeli press

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