
Jumaih warns: UNESCO may freeze its projects in Old Sana’a and Zabid due to the Houthis’ kidnapping of its employees

Political| 14 October, 2024 - 7:25 AM

Exclusive: Yemen Youth Net - Follow-ups


Yemen's delegate to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Dr. Mohammed Jameh, warned that the UN organization may stop its projects in areas controlled by the Houthi militia if the latter continues to kidnap 4 UNESCO employees in Yemen.

"The Houthis are detaining dozens of employees of international and local organizations, including 4 who work with UNESCO, on ridiculous charges, despite repeated demands for their release," Jamil said in a post on the X platform.

He added: "If the situation continues as it is, there is a real fear that UNESCO will decide to freeze its projects in areas controlled by the Houthis, such as the "cash for work" project that is being implemented in restoration work in Old Sana'a and historic Zabid."

He added that if the organization did so, "this would be a loss for restoration work in the two cities classified on the World Heritage List."

He pointed out that many donor countries, agencies and various centres are still reluctant to work on projects in areas controlled by the Houthi militias, due to real fears of targeting local workers in these projects, and fears of the militias obstructing the workflow with their usual methods of extortion.

A few days ago, the organization renewed its call on the Houthis to immediately and unconditionally release its four employees, and said in: Statement : This “arbitrary detention” by the Houthi group “is an unacceptable violation of the status granted to UN staff under international law.”

The Houthis kidnapped four UNESCO employees, the first since 2021, the second since 2023, and two others were kidnapped in June 2024, in addition to approximately 50 employees from the United Nations, international and local NGOs, civil society, and diplomatic missions, according to the statement.

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