
Bin Dagher: Defending the September 26 Revolution is defending national unity.. and there is a revolution being created again in the Houthi areas

Political| 24 September, 2024 - 4:51 PM

Aden: Yemen Youth Net


The Chairman of the Shura Council, Dr. Ahmed Obaid bin Dagher, stressed that today’s defense of the September 26 Revolution, despite its deep wounds, is a defense of national unity, a single Yemeni identity, equal citizenship, public freedoms, the hope of democracy, a defense of October, and a defense of the great May, pointing out that in the Houthi areas a revolution is being created anew and they will not be able to stop it.

Dr. Bin Dagher said in an interview with the Yemeni News Agency "Saba", "The September 26 Revolution was victorious, and paved the way for our people to freedom, progress and decent living. The revolution created conditions that helped support the resistance movement against British colonialism in the south. Let us remember that the free people of the south who supported the September Revolution are the same ones who created the great glory of October, forced the colonizer to leave, and opened the door to a new future in Yemen."

He added, "Today, despite the heavy losses suffered by the revolution, we can see its steadfastness, its greatness and its greatness, thanks to the people's support for it and its ability to stand tall. How great, radical and foundational this event was for what came after it. The revolution transferred Yemen from the dark life of the Middle Ages to the spaciousness of contemporary human civilization, and here is the secret of its steadfastness."

Bin Dagher pointed out that the accumulation of six decades could have brought about a qualitative transformation in our political system, especially after the National Dialogue Conference, the outcomes of which addressed the crisis of power, set rules for the distribution of wealth, and today present the entire project, but the project of the federal state of regions, alone has legitimacy, and alone has solutions to the dilemmas of the stage, and alone raises the level of hope for a decisive victory.

He pointed out that the return of the Imamate, whose first seeds were sown in Qom and Tehran, has disrupted this transformation. He said, "Unfortunately, some of the makings were made by all of us. We engaged in a violent dialogue that did not respect the great values, and here we are fighting again to preserve September, where everyone understands the meaning of a new setback, and where the Imamate is a new expression of the eras of darkness and a threat to the unity of the homeland."

The Chairman of the Shura Council addressed the suffering of the activists, leaders of political parties, their members, intellectuals and media professionals in the areas of Houthi occupation, from intimidation, imprisonment, killing and confiscation of rights.

He pointed out that many opinion leaders, tribal sheikhs, activists, and national party activists have disappeared because of their opinions against the racist policies of the Houthis, explaining that these criminal practices are somewhat similar to what the free people of Yemen suffered from before the revolution.

"We have every hope for a just peace built on the fair values that we agreed upon in the National Dialogue Conference. The outcomes of the National Dialogue, which are essentially a federal state of regions, represent a comprehensive, logical and just project for those who wish to contribute to creating a new Yemen, a new republic, and a state that we all can enjoy. In our souls, they represent a wise and profound conclusion to our national journey, and a reform of a political system that has been overtaken by social transformations and is no longer able to contain their contradictions," Bin Dagher said.

He concluded his speech by emphasizing that the glorious September and October revolutions paved the way for the great event of unity, and that our people’s glorification of the September anniversary despite the persecutions, prisons, and gagging of mouths, is essentially due to that deep awareness and consciousness that has taken root among the various segments of the Yemeni people regarding the connection between the revolution, unity, and the desired future.

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