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Monday, 9 September, 2024 - 6:14 PM

Marib.. Watan Foundation distributes shelter materials to the displaced in a number of camps

Watan Development Foundation distributed emergency shelter materials to the displaced in the camps affected by the floods in Marib.

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Saturday, 7 September, 2024 - 7:25 PM

Al-Arada: There is collusion between the Houthis and terrorist and sabotage elements in Marib

Member of the Presidential Leadership Council, Governor of Marib, Major General Sultan Al-Arada, said, "There is collusion and cooperation between the terrorist Houthi militias and elements of sabotage and terrorism to destabilize security and stability and target infrastructure and vital economic facilities."

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Sunday, 11 August, 2024 - 10:43 PM

Displaced people in Marib... a harsh night in the open after floods swept away their homes

Heavy rains accompanied by strong winds and thunderstorms in the camps for displaced people in Marib Governorate (eastern Yemen) caused the death of four people and the injury of 20 others, in addition to significant material losses.

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Saturday, 13 July, 2024 - 9:09 PM

Marib.. Strong winds hit the camps for the displaced, forcing families to spend the night in the open

On Saturday, a severe wind storm struck camps for displaced people in Ma'rib Governorate (eastern Yemen), which have been crowded with hundreds of camps since the outbreak of war in the country.

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Saturday, 6 July, 2024 - 6:30 PM

Houthi militias bomb populated areas in the Taiz and Marib regions

During the past few hours, the Houthi militia launched bombing on residential neighborhoods in the Ma’rib and Taiz governorates, causing injuries among civilians, including a child.

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Saturday, 6 July, 2024 - 6:25 PM

Marib.. Security seized a shipment of hashish during an attempt to smuggle it into Houthi-controlled areas

On Sunday, the security services in Ma'rib Governorate seized 190 kg of hashish at one of the security points at the entrances to the governorate during an attempt to smuggle it into areas controlled by the terrorist Houthi militia.

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