
The family of politician Muhammad Qahtan announces its rejection of the farces of the Muscat negotiations and holds Al Houthi fully responsible

Political| 3 July, 2024 - 10:58 PM


The family of the leader of the Islah Party, Muhammad Qahtan, announced its categorical rejection of what it described as “the farces and statements issued by Muscat regarding his release and his life.”

Qahtan's family confirmed in a statement, a copy of which was obtained by Yemen Shabab Net, that they "did not authorize any party, even just to talk about her father's life, let alone negotiate or bargain in this regard."

She held "the Houthi militia responsible for any danger her father may be exposed to in prison, especially after these statements issued by Muscat."

She said, "Over the past ten years, we have repeatedly heard such absurd statements from the Houthi militia and we do not pay attention to them, because our demand is that our father must return to his home from which he was kidnapped, healthy and healthy."

It denounced "the issuance of such statements by some members of the legitimacy team who violated the directives of the presidency, the government, and all of Qahtan's fans inside and outside Yemen, by starting with Qahtan's family visiting him before starting any negotiations."

The family of the kidnapped leader of the Houthi militia, Muhammad Qahtan, confirmed that these negotiations "do not reflect her aspirations and are not worthy of her father's sacrifices and her ongoing suffering."

She also stressed that "she will not accept any settlement that ignores her father's rights as a human being and as a Yemeni citizen." It called on "the legitimate government and the international community to take serious and immediate action and work to release him without conditions or procrastination."

She denounced "that this absurdity, this language and statements that lack humanity, morals, values and laws are carried out under the auspices and supervision of the United Nations through the envoy's office."

Qahtan's family called on the United Nations to "clarify their position on turning the case of a kidnapped person into an item for showmanship and terrorism in this way."

She renewed her emphasis on continuing her struggle until her father, Mr. Qahtan, obtains his full freedom. She appealed to "all human rights and humanitarian organizations to stand by her and support her in this just cause."

She said, "Our suffering and the suffering of every forcibly disappeared family cannot be a subject for political bargaining or suspicious deals, and we do not accept that anyone be excluded and that all abductees and forcibly disappeared persons be released."

In this regard, I appreciated "the role of all parties and individuals who take clear positions for the freedom of our father and his return to his family and loved ones safe and sound."

The Houthi leader participating in the Muscat negotiations, Abdul Qadir Al-Murtada, had said in statements that the Muscat agreement included the release of Muhammad Qahtan in exchange for the release of 50 of their prisoners, and he hinted at his death by indicating that if he was dead, his body would be exchanged for fifty militia bodies.

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