
Borrell: Houthi attacks are a direct threat to the interests of the European Union, and we will continue to limit their capabilities

Political| 7 July, 2024 - 6:04 AM

Special: Yemen Shabab Net - Follow-ups


Joseph Borrell, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission, reiterated that the Houthi attacks on cargo ships in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden represent a direct threat to the interests of the European Union, pledging to continue to limit their capabilities.

Borrell said in a statement during his visit to the headquarters of the Aspidas naval operation in Larissa, Greece, on Saturday: “You know that since last October, the security situation in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden has noticeably deteriorated, leading to a severe crisis.”

He added: "The Houthis are launching increasingly sophisticated attacks, and have developed greater capabilities to attack our commercial ships, threatening maritime security and international trade, and endangering regional peace and security."

He continued: “The numbers are quite clear, so let me mention some of them. Rerouting maritime traffic through the Cape of Good Hope adds 10 to 14 days to each trip, and this means higher costs, and higher costs mean higher prices, and higher prices mean more “From inflation. [In addition to] the rise in the prices of shipped materials and insurance, it is very worrying, as the cost of a container from China to Europe has doubled.”

He pointed out that the number of ships crossing the Suez Canal daily has decreased by half, noting that this means a great loss for Egypt and many problems for the global economy.

Borrell explained that the naval attacks exacerbated the humanitarian situation in Yemen, as the movement of goods faced major obstacles due to the Houthi attacks, which led to a significant decline in the flow of goods, by 50% compared to last year. The population suffers from a severe shortage of medicines and foodstuffs as a result, in addition to a significant increase in the prices of basic materials.

The European official reiterated that "these attacks are a direct attack on our interests - the interests of the European Union - and on regional peace and stability, and on the lives of those most affected."

Borrell stated that since the start of its work last February, the European mission's ships have successfully accompanied more than 170 commercial ships and destroyed 19 drones and missiles launched by the Houthis against civilian targets.

He added: "This operation is important, and we will continue to work to limit the capabilities of violent actors that spoil the chances of peace, threaten civilians, and endanger maritime security."

He pointed out that this operation is “concrete evidence of our will and ability to strengthen international security, defend European Union and global interests, and protect the universal right to freedom of navigation,” and a clear example of the European Union’s ability to act effectively as a guarantor of maritime security.

Borrell concluded his statement by emphasizing the Union's work to strengthen political and diplomatic efforts to help reduce the escalation, and by mediation to support a peaceful solution to the conflict in Yemen.

Since last November, the Iranian-backed Houthi militia has been launching attacks with drones and missiles on cargo ships while they were sailing in the Red Sea, Bab al-Mandab, and the Gulf of Aden off the coast of Yemen. It says that it is supporting Gaza, which has been subjected to a devastating Israeli war since the seventh of last October, and these attacks have negatively affected... Shipping movement, trade and global supply chains.

Subsequently, the United States formed a military coalition under its leadership, and the European Union formed a naval mission for the same purpose and said it was “defensive” aiming to protect maritime navigation in the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden and the surrounding waters.

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