
Al-Alimi: The September 26 Revolution overthrew the racist imamate forever and made its name synonymous with shame

Political| 25 September, 2024 - 6:25 PM

Aden: Yemen Youth Net


Text of the speech:

Oh great Yemeni people,

May the peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you, the peace of the republic, freedom, and independence.

On behalf of myself and the members of the Presidential Leadership Council, I greet you on the anniversary of our immortal national holidays: the sixty-second anniversary of the great September 26 Revolution, the sixty-first anniversary of the glorious October 14 Revolution, and the fifty-seventh anniversary of the historic Evacuation Day, November 30.

These are the memories of our great national occasions... great in action and impact, ever present in the souls of our people and in the details of their lives... occasions on which we proudly and appreciatively salute the heroes of the armed forces and security, all military formations, and the popular resistance stationed on the various fronts of pride and dignity.

You have always done well, O great people, men and women, by immortalizing the great leaders of the revolution in an unparalleled way, by rallying around your armed forces and security, and by transforming their memory, more than ever before, into a call for action, cohesion, and steadfastness, and a call for responsibility and duty that excludes no one by engaging in the battle to restore the state institutions and every inch of the homeland, and by defending our dignity, our freedom, and our republic with weapons, money, and words.

This is not just an occasion to celebrate the heroism of our great people and its unique men, but it is in fact a renewed project, at the forefront of our national tasks and priorities, to complete the liberation of the country from terrorism, slavery, tyranny, ignorance, and injustice that the new Imamate has brought.

Your early celebrations every year of this immortal day in every city and village of our beloved land confirm that the flame of change will remain forever burning in souls, illuminating for us the meanings of freedom, human dignity, and equal citizenship, where there is no master but the people.

This gathering and great rejoicing on our republican holidays in the various governorates is a popular referendum that indicates the greatness of the eternal principles of September, their place in the hearts of free Yemenis, and their explicit rejection of the new Imams and their sinful coup.

Dear citizens,

The September 26 Revolution represented a creative culmination of the struggles and sacrifices of generations of Yemenis in the north and south who gave their lives in the battle to get rid of the rule of the imams based on racial discrimination, tyranny, and the harshest forms of isolation, ignorance, and backwardness.

The revolution of September 26, 1962 has forever overthrown the miserable, racist, and backward idea of the Imamate, and made the name of the Imamate synonymous with shame. Its fall represents the bridge that carried our country to the future and the civilization of the age, and granted our people a path to a dignified life and hope, based on a just republican system that believes in the sovereignty of the people and equal citizenship among all its sons as the opposite of tyranny, slavery, and the myth of guardianship.

Therefore, our people will be nothing but a loyal extension of their great history, and a true expression of the greatness of sacrifices and the meanings of heroism, dignity and freedom. The generations of the Yemeni people today will be nothing but an extension of the heroic fathers Ali Abdul-Mughni, Abdullah Al-Sallal, Rajih Labouza and Qahtan Al-Shaabi.

O sons of our great Yemeni people

Oh, our steadfast and patient people in the areas of Houthi tyranny and encroachment:

The Houthis chose chaos when stability prevailed, committed the crime of a coup when the Yemenis agreed on partnership and the sovereignty of the people, and imposed war when everyone was inclined towards peace.

They looted and vandalized institutions, monopolized the country’s resources, burdened citizens with taxes, invaded cities and villages with terror, violence, and violation of public freedoms, kidnapped innocent women, children, and the elderly, and defamed them to terrorize the rest of the people, tampered with the independence and sanctity of the judiciary, emptied the laws of their value, and replaced them with priesthood and tyranny, and diverted education from its national and scientific context, turning it into a backward sectarian and lineage platform.

However, it would be an illusion to believe that there is anyone who can shake the Yemeni people’s conviction that there is no choice but victory over the Iranian project, and that our freedom and dignity, and the future of all Yemeni men and women, depend on the outcome of this fateful battle, in which we have no choice but victory, God willing.

O sons of our armed forces and security forces, and all our military formations,

Oh heroes of the popular resistance on various fronts and fields,

You were the rock on which the illusions of the racist Houthi militia were shattered, and you were the fortress that preserved the cohesion of our country and protected its Arabism and identity against the Iranian tide and its agent tails.

You were the hope and refuge yesterday, and you are the hope and guarantee today and tomorrow.

Our trust in you is limitless, and it is a trust supported by God’s help, experience, truth, the justice of the cause, and the bravery of the heroes of the army and the men of the resistance.

Our people know the extent of your sacrifices and remember your heroism and your exploits in the depths of our hearts. We will remain faithful to the sacrifices of the martyrs and wounded, who gave their blood and souls to resist the Iranian occupation and its destructive project in our country and the region.

Dear citizens,

Dear fellow citizens,

There is no secure and prosperous future for Yemen without a close relationship and complete harmony with the sister Arab countries, foremost among them the countries of the coalition to support legitimacy led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. This is a fate that is not only related to this stage, but to the facts of history and geography that go beyond the illusions, ambitions and crises of individuals, to sincere work with our brothers in building a bright and secure future for the region and the world.

There is no choice for this safe and promising future without a deep awareness of the unique nature that governs Yemen’s relationship with its brothers, and without realizing that building fruitful relationships, and consolidating their foundations and ties, is one of the most important tasks of leaders and politicians, regardless of their interests as individuals, the scope of the role available to them, or the position from which they exercise their national responsibilities.

On behalf of myself and my brothers, the members of the Presidential Leadership Council, I extend my thanks to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, led by my brother, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, and his Crown Prince, His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and to our brothers in the United Arab Emirates, led by my brother, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, for their sincere fraternal positions and generous support for the Yemeni people, their political leadership, and the institutions of their legitimate state.

I also thank the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Sultanate of Oman for their good efforts to establish peace and end the suffering of our people, and what this requires in terms of effort, work, and wisdom.

Peace options, like battle options, are only possible with seriousness, preparation, trust in our loyal allies, and making every effort to invest in them and make them successful without falling into the trap of illusions that are skilled at creating disappointments, victims, and weaving conspiracy theories.

Dear citizens,

Building and reforming institutions and fighting corruption, chaos and anarchy is the only way to improve the economic, security and service conditions and build a model in the liberated governorates.

While we thank the government and local authorities for their collective efforts to fulfill their imperative obligations, we urge them to devote all efforts to finding urgent solutions to the economic crisis and alleviating the living burdens on citizens with the support of brothers and friends.

We also direct the government to complete its institutional structure, activate the system of laws and regulations, develop clear plans to develop revenues, improve the social function of state institutions, enhance the appropriate environment for political work, protect public rights and freedoms, and enhance security and stability in the interim capital, Aden, and all liberated governorates.

O sons of our great Yemeni people,

Palestine has a place in the heart of every Yemeni, one of our holiest sanctities. It is a place that Israel will not hijack with its occupation, massacres, wars of extermination and displacement, nor will Iran and its militias with their sectarianism, false exploitation and outbidding that is revealed every day regarding this just cause.

While we condemn the continuation of the Israeli war of extermination against the people of occupied Palestine, we reaffirm that unifying the Arab ranks in the face of the arrogance and criminality of the Zionist entity is the best way to show solidarity and support the Palestinian cause.

We call on the international community to assume its responsibilities in order to compel the Israeli occupation to stop its ongoing crimes, provide urgent and adequate relief to the besieged Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank, and support their aspirations to establish their independent, fully sovereign state, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Glory and eternity to the martyrs

And healing for the wounded

May the peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you.

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