
Houthis launch a large-scale kidnapping campaign in Sana'a and impose a curfew on the Hodeidah Corniche

Political| 26 September, 2024 - 11:15 PM

Yemen Youth Net - Special


During the past two days, the Houthi militias launched a new campaign of kidnapping citizens from the streets in the capital, Sana'a, and imposed a curfew on the residents of the city of Hodeidah, western Yemen.

Lawyer Wadah Qutaish revealed that the Houthi militia detained his wife and two children on Thursday. He wrote on his Facebook page: “The Houthi militia requested a guarantee from the neighborhood elder in Al-Sab’een and to go to the Al-Sab’een Martyrs School to identify Wadah Qutaish and his family.”

The Houthi militia later released his wife and children, as part of a wide campaign of kidnappings in the streets of anyone carrying the national flag, as he is suspected of leading popular celebrations against them.

Witnesses in Sana'a said that "the Houthi militia kidnapped dozens of families with their children and women in a wave of Houthi rage against citizens, after preventing any individual celebrations or popular gatherings to celebrate the anniversary of the September 26 Revolution."

The Houthi militia deployed thousands of its members in the streets and alleys of Sana'a to kidnap anyone carrying the national flag, writing a post commemorating the September 26 Revolution, or singing patriotic songs. Dozens of people complained on social media about being arrested and their phones being searched.

Activists on social media circulated the state of repression imposed by the militias in Sana'a, and the spread of Houthi militias in civilian clothes carrying batons and light weapons, and cars were deployed in most neighborhoods to monitor movements.

Curfew on Hodeidah Corniche

On Thursday, the terrorist Houthi militia banned families and individuals in Hodeidah Governorate from walking on the city’s coastal corniche, the only outlet for residents in the Houthi-stricken city.

Local sources and eyewitnesses said, "The Houthi militia banned the curfew in the Hodeidah Corniche, fearing that it would turn into celebrations for the anniversary of the September 26 Revolution."

Hodeidah was one of the most important governorates that celebrated the anniversary of the September 26 Revolution last year, which witnessed the largest popular celebrations in the neighborhoods, cities and the main city. The Houthis deployed thousands of military, security and intelligence personnel and vehicles in Hodeidah, fearing people’s celebrations of the revolution anniversary.

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