
Yemeni Minister: Houthi attacks on cargo ships are part of defending Iran’s interests and have nothing to do with claims of supporting “Gaza”

Political| 9 September, 2024 - 6:49 AM

Exclusive: Yemen Youth Net - Follow-ups


The Yemeni Minister of Information reiterated that the attacks launched by the terrorist Houthi militia on international cargo ships off the coast of Yemen have nothing to do with allegations of supporting "Gaza", which has been subjected to an Israeli war of extermination for 11 months, but rather come within the framework of defending Iran's economic interests.

This came in a statement on the X platform, commenting on recent media statements by the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, Hossein Salami, who announced that his country had targeted 12 Israeli ships in the Red Sea and the Mediterranean, as part of the "battle of ships" between the two sides.

Minister Al-Eryani said, "The statements of the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, Major General Hossein Salami, about targeting ships in the Red Sea and the Mediterranean, in response to attacks on Iranian ships to prevent the export of Iranian oil, reveals the real motives behind the terrorist attacks launched by the Houthi militia targeting navigation routes and global trade movement, and that they came at the behest of Iran as part of the "battle of ships" that Tehran is waging to serve its economic interests, and have nothing to do with the allegations of supporting "Gaza."

He added: "These statements confirm what we have said from the first moment about the Iranian regime planning, arming and executing the piracy and terrorist attacks launched by the Houthi militia on commercial ships and oil tankers in the Red Sea, Bab al-Mandab Strait and the Gulf of Aden, and that the events witnessed in the occupied Palestinian territories since October 7 were merely a pretext and an opportunity seized by Iran to test the efficiency of the systems it provided the Houthis with, including weapons, experts, advisors, joint operations rooms, and command and control centers."

Al-Eryani added, "The Iranian Revolutionary Guards established a continuous bridge early on to provide the Houthi militia with capabilities, equipment, experts, precision weapons and the latest military systems (guided ballistic missiles, drones, unmanned boats and submarines) that it uses in its terrorist attacks, through specialized smuggling networks. The transfer of weapons and preparations for these operations began years before the events witnessed in the Gaza Strip."

The Yemeni minister renewed his warning of the danger of the continued control of the Houthi militia, the cheapest Iranian tool, over state institutions and the kidnapped capital Sana'a, and its presence in parts of the coastal strip and ports (Hodeidah, Salif, Ras Issa), in a clear violation of the Sweden Agreement, and the use of those ports as a starting point for piracy operations and threatening commercial ships and oil tankers in international shipping lines, which developments have proven does not only pose a threat to Yemen but to the entire world.

He also warned of the consequences of the Iranian behavior and its uncontrolled Houthi tool on the efforts made to end the war and establish peace in Yemen, the disastrous repercussions of acts of piracy on the national economy, and the possibility of continued rise in the cost of insurance for ships arriving at Yemeni ports, and the prices of food and consumer goods, which reveals the Houthi militia's indifference and indifference to the difficult economic and living conditions and the suffering of Yemenis due to the circumstances of war and the coup.

Al-Eryani explained that the international community has turned its back throughout the years of the coup on government calls and warnings about the dangers of Iranian interventions that destabilize the security and stability of Yemen and the region, on regional and international security and peace, and its continued smuggling of weapons and experts to the terrorist Houthi militia, and its use as a tool to spread chaos and terrorism, for which the Yemenis and the countries and peoples of the region have paid a heavy price, so that the world finds itself in a direct confrontation with Iranian terrorism and its Houthi tool face to face in the Red Sea, the Bab al-Mandab Strait and the Gulf of Aden.

Al-Eryani called on the international community, the United Nations and the permanent members of the Security Council to assume their responsibilities in confronting the policies of the Iranian regime, which represent a blatant violation of the principles of the United Nations Charter, and to take action to stop its policies that destabilize regional and international security and peace, and to immediately begin classifying the Houthi militia as a "global terrorist organization" and drying up its financial, political and media resources, and devoting efforts to supporting the government to impose its control and establish security and stability throughout Yemeni territory.

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