
Houthi militia refuses to release September Revolution celebrants before signing a pledge to keep them under "house arrest"

Locals| 9 October, 2024 - 7:13 AM

Yemen Youth Net - Special


The terrorist Houthi militia refused to release those kidnapped on the occasion of the celebrations of the glorious September 26 Revolution, before signing a security pledge that would keep them under house arrest.

Human rights sources said that the Houthi militia imposed a mandatory pledge on those abducted in its prisons on the occasion of the popular celebrations of the September Revolution anniversary, keeping them under security and electronic surveillance.

The pledge includes recording personal data, phone numbers and personal accounts on social media sites, and keeping those numbers active at all times.

The militia forces the kidnapped to sign a pledge to attend when summoned, not to engage in political matters, and to commit to attending Houthi events, in addition to bringing a guarantor who has a commercial record as a guarantee.

Human rights activists described the Houthi measures as arbitrary and "gang-like."

During the past days and weeks, the terrorist Houthi militia launched a wide-scale kidnapping campaign that targeted thousands of people celebrating the anniversary of the glorious September Revolution, and fabricated charges against them of working for a foreign conspiracy and inciting riots and chaos.

The day before yesterday, the Yemeni government, through its Minister of Information, Muammar Al-Eryani, condemned the militia’s continued kidnapping of thousands of civilians, who were celebrating the anniversary of the revolution, and its failure to release them, and its condition that they provide guarantees and pledges, considering this “an organized crime and a systematic act aimed at suppressing national sentiments, killing the spirit of resistance within society, terrorizing Yemenis, preventing them from celebrating national holidays, and forcing them to surrender to the militias and submit to their will.”

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