
The Yemeni government directs the preparation of a unified national plan to deal with the displaced persons file

Locals| 9 October, 2024 - 7:31 PM

Yemen Youth - Follow-ups


The Prime Minister during his meeting with the Executive Unit for Displaced Persons

Prime Minister Dr. Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak directed the preparation of a unified national plan to deal with the file of displaced persons, returnees from displacement, and those affected by it, in which official efforts are integrated with the international community and humanitarian organizations.

This came during his chairing of a meeting of the leadership of the executive unit for managing displaced persons camps today, Wednesday, in the interim capital, Aden, according to the government's Saba Agency.

He called on the international community and the concerned UN and humanitarian organizations to play a more effective role in supporting the government's efforts in dealing with the needs of the displaced, and for there to be international support commensurate with the size of the crisis.

He pointed out that the decline in international and UN support for relief efforts and humanitarian response in the field of caring for the displaced fleeing the brutality of the terrorist Houthi militia, whose number is close to three million displaced persons, doubles the burdens on the government.

Dr. Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak praised the efforts of the Executive Unit and its presence in the field, and the importance of intensifying its efforts in coordination with ministries and government agencies to enhance the services provided to the displaced, within a comprehensive vision for managing the humanitarian relief file in general.

The Prime Minister presented a number of observations that he noticed during his visit to the camps for the displaced in Marib and the necessity of working to accommodate them within the upcoming plans, including the mechanisms of partnership with the international community and the United Nations and humanitarian organizations concerned with this file.

The head of the Executive Unit for the Management of Displaced Persons Camps, Najib Al-Saadi, presented a report on the performance of the unit since its reactivation in the interim capital, Aden, and the national policy for addressing displacement in Yemen.

He explained that the unit is present in 105 directorates distributed over 13 governorates, noting that there are 657 camps, 1,112 displacement areas, and 2 million and 898 thousand displaced persons, and the unit’s plan is to move towards permanent solutions and treatments for displacement within the United Nations’ approach in this regard.

The Executive Unit for the Management of Displaced Persons Camps presented its future plan, which focuses on three main dimensions: completing the institutional building of the unit, enhancing the principle of transparency and quality, and achieving governance, and the unit carrying out its tasks towards the displaced and those returning from displacement, in addition to preparing for permanent solutions.

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