
After his kidnapping on the anniversary of September 26, citizens in Ibb celebrate the release of a kidnapped person from Houthi prisons

Locals| 12 October, 2024 - 8:52 PM

Exclusive: Yemen Youth Net - Follow-ups


Ibb city

Today, Saturday, the people of Al-Siyani District in Ibb Governorate organized a popular celebration for the release of one of the kidnapped people from the prisons of the Houthi militia, two weeks after his kidnapping, on the occasion of the celebration of the September 26 anniversary.

Activists on social media circulated photos and video clips showing the joy of the people of the village of "Dharas" in the Nakhalan district, in the Al-Siyani directorate, when they received Professor Sadiq Ali Qaid Al-Dhafer from the Houthi prisons.

The clips showed young men welcoming Al-Zafer with cars and motorcycles, firing gunshots into the air, and chanting, "With our souls and blood, we will redeem you, Yemen."

The popular reception that Professor Sadiq Al-Zafer received showed the extent of the great crime committed by the militia against the citizens, who were kidnapped simply for raising the national flags and celebrating the anniversary of September 26.

The Houthi militia kidnapped about 200 young men from Ibb governorate alone, in addition to dozens in a number of other governorates, coinciding with the 62nd anniversary of the glorious September 26 Revolution.

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