
Marib.. A stand by the families of the kidnapped people denouncing the Houthi execution decisions against the politically kidnapped people

Locals| 29 July, 2024 - 7:28 PM

Yemen Youth - Follow-ups


A pause for the families of the kidnapped people in Marib

A protest by the families of the kidnapped people in Ma’rib Governorate today condemned the decisions of the terrorist Houthi militia to execute the politically kidnapped members of its population.

A statement issued by the group denounced in the strongest terms the death decisions issued by the Houthi militias, which violate the laws and humanitarian conventions and issued against the kidnapped persons after torturing them for years.

The statement warned the Houthi militia against implementing these decisions, stressing their rejection of sham political trials, and that they are illegitimate and from an illegitimate authority.

The protesters called on the legitimate government to activate Yemeni diplomacy around the world to stop the political execution decisions against the kidnapped people, calling on all human rights defenders to stand by them.

The statement also called on the Security Council, the Human Rights Council, and the UN Secretary-General’s envoy to Yemen to assume their responsibilities to preserve the rights of the abductees included in the Stockholm Agreement and to take procedural steps to stop what the statement called the farce of political execution decisions against civilians kidnapped by the Houthi coup militia.

In their statement during the protest, they expressed their strong denunciation and rejection of these decisions and all criminal acts pursued by the Houthi group with the aim of terrorizing and silencing voices that reject their ideas and confiscating their rights to life with dignity.

They affirmed their support for the victims of the violations and terrorist acts of this group, which are constantly increasing, especially in the recent period, the most recent of which was its courts issuing racist sectarian execution orders against civilians who illegally kidnapped their children.

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