
The Preparatory Committee for the Million-Man March of "Ashshal" Accuses the Counter-Terrorism Department in Aden of Kidnapping Him and Holds the Transitional Council Fully Responsible

Locals| 7 September, 2024 - 7:56 PM

Aden: Yemen Youth Net


Million Ashal in Abyan

The committee said, "He was not kidnapped by members of a tribe or a gang; rather, he was kidnapped by an official agency of the Transitional Council, which is the Aden Counter-Terrorism Agency," stressing "their complete concern for security and stability more than others, and whoever disturbs security and stability is the one who kidnaps people and kills them outside the framework of the law."

The committee reiterated its "demand that the Transitional Council bring the accused who fled abroad, as this is its legal and moral responsibility."

She expressed her thanks to everyone who showed solidarity with her, contributed, and rose up to support the oppressed. She also expressed her thanks to the local authority in Abyan Governorate and all the security services that secured and sponsored this million-man march.

The committee addressed the million-strong crowds, saying: “Oh masses of our noble people at home and abroad, we salute you with the salute of heroes and those stationed on the plains, valleys and coasts to defend the homeland and honor.”

She said: "Your presence today in this peaceful million-man march indicates the unity of the southern ranks that reject the injustice and oppression practiced against our people by the so-called counter-terrorism forces and some security agencies that deliberately concealed the truth from our people, exploiting the revolutionary slogans to carry out their criminal acts against all free people, and which turned a blind eye to the wanted persons and were a contributing factor in their escape outside the country under their watch and hearing."

She stressed that the kidnapping of Lieutenant Colonel Ali Ashal Al-Jaadani is only part of an ongoing series of kidnappings and forced disappearances of the sons of this afflicted people, according to the committee’s statement.

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