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Hafez Al-hyagim

Preaching speech...and the sensitivity of some

Our Writers| 2 June, 2024 - 1:24 PM

However, it is assumed that the level of a person’s thinking, his broad-mindedness, and his tolerance will increase as his culture expands, and that modernity, enlightenment, and progress are concepts that must be reflected on a practical level in their owners, and that they should be role models, capable of understanding the nature of their societies, neither condescending to their reality, nor isolated. Totally about it, but the results usually do not lead to that..!!

This is because some of those who claim to be among the intellectual elite, or a good number of them, are still unable to benefit from the incoming ideas without completely adopting them and adopting them as if they were from the same societies, beliefs, customs, behaviors and characteristics of the authors of those theories.

Sharp attitudes towards religious discourse and preaching usually come from those claiming culture, modernity and progress. What is truly funny is that these people have a strong tongue against the Islamic religious person and the Muslim preacher, and the citations to Islamic texts do not agree with the mood of this group. If the same positions were issued by the followers of any other religion, they would describe its speech as diversity and coexistence, and give the authors of those speeches titles of glory, wisdom, and genius.

Those with committed discourse were not spared from gossip, taunts, and incitement from those claiming culture and progress. In the past, it was said, “Envy kills a person.” These are among those who were killed by envy, because their goods are bad and have no popularity in the societies of the Muslim East.

There is no doubt that we all witnessed the attack on the young engineer, Fida al-Din Yahya. "Fidaa", who engineered a committed religious discourse in a different and calm way, with simple words that touched the heart and were in harmony with the manifestations of pure souls, and tried to create awareness that society desperately needed, especially in the years of war in which many features of education and teaching changed among many of the generation it trampled. The war trampled on the tools of sound upbringing that are necessarily available in every stable society.

“Fidaa” is a young Yemeni man who studied at university in Kuala Lumpur, and moved to Germany to complete postgraduate studies in the field of “automatic control and automation engineering.” He obtained a full degree. This young engineer carries a bright thought, a keen mentality, and experiences and expertise resulting from years he spent in developed countries. Just because he began a purposeful media path through which he carried messages, values, and ethics, some of the modernists attacked him without arguments to support their criticisms, nor a scientific and systematic refutation and deconstruction of what he presented in order to at least say that there are differences in viewpoints. Rather, the attacks were a direct entry into... Intentions, exposure, incitement, and ready-made, wrapped-up accusations that are copied and pasted by those who make them into any religious figure without taking into account the differences in personalities, moods, methods, reality, and facts.

The problem is that Yemeni social media platforms have turned, in many cases, into a succession of trends that reflect the shallow thinking of many of the pioneers of these platforms, and this is also clearly evident in the type of celebrities who have been able to top these sites. The truth is that this type of celebrity has contributed to reflecting other images of poverty, chaos, and superficiality, in addition to those stereotypes about the Yemeni reality, which were formed as a result of a number of reasons.

In the face of this futile phenomenon, some have begun to attack the owners of emerging and useful content, instead of praising the efforts they are making and the good endeavors represented in lighting candles of knowledge, reminders and true enlightenment, in light of a dark and dark reality.

| Keywords: Yemen

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