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Nour Nagy

I am tribal to the degree of Zanbil

Our Writers| 5 August, 2024 - 6:29 PM

Sometimes it is easier for us to choose easy answers, as a kind of escape into romance that is closer to illusion. Searching for the truth with open eyes may not give us complete peace of mind. Who said the truth is nice?! Many times its cruelty is more than our ability to bear..!

How many times have we heard of the Houthi militia exploiting a tribe, perhaps because of its simplicity of thinking, or its ignorance, dragging it down the path of its destruction through naive justifications given by the militia, after which we chanted lamentingly: “Alas, the man has fallen and the tribe has failed!”

Dear Yemeni, what I fear most is that we are the ones who decided to become addicted to illusion and cover our minds with a clear “spring” from the truth as clear as the sun. After ten years of the Houthi war on the Yemeni people, everyone has become aware that no one is being deceived. No one is “blind” and led like a blind man. Everyone who decided to join the Houthi militia was fully aware of the path he was taking.

Of course, the militia used many methods to lure people into its ranks, including: starvation, intimidation, and an attempt to blur concepts and change the moral values of society so that it is easier to control... But in the end, the shocking truth forces you to admit that no one joined the ranks of the “Zanbaleen” except him. He clearly realizes that he was taken to it of his own free will, and that he traded his life for a bag of wheat that he could have obtained if he had decided, for example, to work with his hands for an honest daily wage without a “buzz” in it!..

A path chosen by millions of Yemenis who rejected the bomb..

We are not new to the life path of the “Zanblah” in Yemeni history, as the Imamate entered Yemen at an early period. At that time, it did not intervene using force, and it did not lead strong armies that day to force the Yemeni to change his lifestyle and forcefully bow before the invading dynasty. On the contrary, Yahya Al-Rasi was summoned to Yemen at an explicit Yemeni invitation, whether that was through an excuse to solve “Yemeni-Yemeni” problems or through a claim of “eagerness and shelter for the oppressed”!..

In both cases, the Yemeni - who was good at hiding his programs - was fully aware of what he had done. Rather, he may have found, at one point, that there was no harm in dressing the “Zanblah” as religion in order to reach the special interests of certain individuals or tribes, forgetting the basic reason for the dispute, or the reason for the summons..

How appropriate it was for some tribes to find appropriate excuses to ally themselves with the dynasty, whose role was often limited to issuing fatwas on conquest and depriving others in order to obtain utilitarian gains shared by both parties with consent and a clear conscience. When the two allied groups did not find logical pretexts, hunger and dry harvest seasons were an occasion for an invasion by another tribe that was more fortunate in its harvest.

The "Zanla" becomes acceptable the moment the profits are shared!..

The new researcher finds many excuses for the continuation of the tragedy of the Imamate in Yemen. Sometimes you see it justifying its survival by the numbers of “Tiberian” fighters who were the upper hand of the dynasty and the oppressive Imamate. Or perhaps support for the Imamate may be sought through the tribes, which still boast of an ancient affiliation to the remnants of the Persians who invaded Yemen at one time; However, the harsh truth confirmed - in the easiest mathematical calculation - that the density of the Yemeni “Muzabala” tribes was the highest in number in the armies of the Imamate!..

Of course, the majority of the free Yemeni tribes did not surrender to the alliance of the Imamate and the “Muzanbilah” tribes, and the war continued between them. Whenever we believe that history has realized its mistakes and begun to overcome them, the Imamate resumes its attack with the force of the "lanterns" that cannot be underestimated, in a war that they fully realize is far from truth, justice, and a sound state, but since when has truth been their goal?!..

But is the "Zanblah" specific only to the allies of the Imamate? A question that the Yemeni must ask himself, as today’s map presents before him alliances no less decadent than the old alliances! Isn't there someone who helps distribute the Yemeni map to alliances, the last concern of which is the right of the Yemeni to a state with sovereignty and independent will, Zanabila? Aren't the Yemeni forces, which decided to be an arm and extension of external forces, different from the tribes that were accustomed to the "Zanblah" and accepted it for themselves?..

After the long years of war, I believe that the time has come to redefine “Zanbala” and expand its map, after it has become a way of life for many. Instead of trying to investigate the causes and motives of the old “Zanabils,” we must reformulate a new indictment to include the “New Zanbils,” after the list has grown long and its market has expanded.

It's time to put before them a frank and clear question: How much did you sell your soul, O "Zanbil"? What are the prices of “Zanblah” today?

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