
With Kuwaiti support... opening of a secondary school for girls in Marib and conclusion of a medical camp in Mokha

Society and culture| 25 August, 2024 - 9:33 PM

Exclusive: Yemen Youth Net - Follow-ups


Opening of a girls' school in Marib with Kuwaiti funding

Kuwait continued its unlimited support for the relief of the Yemeni people, continuing its humanitarian approach that it has been adopting since the Houthi militia's coup against the state in September 2014, in supporting the Yemenis in various development fields.

In this context, a primary and secondary school for girls was opened in the city of Marib with Kuwaiti funding, coinciding with the conclusion of the Kuwaiti Direct Aid Society of a free surgical medical camp in the city of Mokha in Al Hudaydah Governorate, as part of the Kuwait by Your Side campaign.

According to Saba News Agency, the Deputy Minister of Education, Dr. Ali Al-Abab, along with the Undersecretary of Marib Governorate, Dr. Abd Rabbuh Miftah, opened the Idris Elementary and Secondary School in the airport neighborhood east of Marib city, at a cost of 330 thousand US dollars.

MP Al-Abab and Undersecretary Miftah, accompanied by the Acting Director of the City Directorate, Mohammed Al-Harazi, toured the school’s classrooms, which have a total area of 4,500 square meters, and which consist of two floors containing 14 classrooms with the administration, furnishing and equipment, in addition to service facilities, fencing and a canopy hangar for students in the school yard.

Al-Abab and Miftah praised the humanitarian role of the Kuwaiti brothers, government and people, and the effective support for sustainable projects in various sectors, including the educational sector. They pointed out that the school will provide a wonderful opportunity for thousands of displaced girls and the host community in the region to join the education train.

For his part, the CEO of the Communication Foundation, Raed Qasim Ibrahim, explained that the foundation is making preparations to add a new floor to the school building, which will include a number of classrooms, in response to the school’s needs to expand its capacity in light of the great demand from girls in the area and the overcrowding of the classrooms, which operate in two shifts, morning and evening.

In a related context, the Deputy Minister of Education launched, in the Sweida camp for the displaced northwest of Marib city, the distribution of temporary classrooms made of tents, school bags for male and female students, and educational and recreational bags, as part of the back-to-school campaign implemented by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).

The education schools in the displacement camps will be reinforced with 75 temporary tent classrooms, and 5,849 school bags containing school supplies for students in grades (1-3), in addition to supporting schools with 202 educational and recreational bags.

Free Surgical Medical Camp

In a related context, the Kuwaiti Direct Aid Society, Yemen office, concluded on Sunday a free medical camp for eye surgery, in which 400 surgeries were performed in the city of Mokha, Taiz Governorate, as part of the “Kuwait by Your Side” campaign, which continues for the ninth consecutive year.

The Regional Director of the Direct Aid Office in Yemen, Ali Battit, said in a statement to the Kuwait News Agency (KUNA), "The camp included 400 cataract surgeries and lens implants, examination of about 3,078 beneficiaries, laboratory and internal examinations, and distribution of 1,011 awareness brochures on eye diseases and their prevention."

He explained that "the camp also included providing medicines to 1,200 beneficiaries and distributing free sunglasses to 1,210 beneficiaries."

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