
Suicide crimes.. Steady increase and urgent need to intensify efforts to combat and raise awareness

Society and culture| 26 August, 2024 - 10:14 PM

Yemen Youth - Follow-ups


Suicide H Expressive Image

The war of the terrorist Houthi militias supported by Iran over the past years has left countless tragedies and disasters for the Yemeni people, which has doubled individual and family suffering beyond all possibilities and capabilities.

Through monitoring the "Security Media" Center at the Ministry of Interior, and following up on these tragedies, suicide crimes were among the most prominent of these disasters for which the terrorist Houthi militia bears primary responsibility, due to its brutal war on all segments of Yemeni society and the use of all criminal and terrorist methods and means to increase and multiply the pain and suffering of the Yemeni citizen.

According to the center, the latest of these crimes committed by the Houthi militia was the economic war, targeting public and vital interests and oil facilities, and preventing exports, which directly affected the decline of the national currency against foreign currency, and the citizen now bears the consequences and pays a heavy price for the terrorist Houthi crimes.

Suicide statistics double

During the first half of the current year 2024, the security services monitored the occurrence of 113 suicides and attempted suicides, which resulted in the death of 90 people and the injury of 23 others. These crimes were caused by psychological and neurotic diseases, family and social disputes and problems, economic aspects, and weak moral restraint.

While the police in the liberated governorates recorded 148 suicide cases of various age groups last year, 2023 AD, in addition to 23 cases of attempted suicide.

The suicide crimes were distributed among the governorates as follows: Taiz Governorate 44 suicide cases, Ma'rib Governorate 25 suicide cases, the interim capital Aden 24 cases, Shabwa Governorate 15 cases, then Hadramaut Valley and Desert Governorate 10 cases, 9 cases in Abyan Governorate, 8 suicide cases in Hadramaut Coast Governorate and 6 cases in Al Hudaydah Governorate, in addition to 5 cases in Al Dhale Governorate, and 2 cases in Al Mahrah Governorate.

The attempted suicide incidents were distributed as follows: 7 cases in the capital Aden, 6 cases in Taiz Governorate, 3 cases in Ma'rib Governorate, 2 cases in Al Mahrah Governorate, 2 cases of suicide in Al Dhale Governorate, in addition to one case in Al Hudaydah Governorate, one case in Shabwa Governorate, and another in Hadramaut Coast Governorate.

According to the annual report issued by the Security and Police Sector of the Ministry of Interior, the diseases, psychological disabilities and psychological conditions left by the war on the terrorist Houthi militias and the economic situation were the cause of a number of these cases, while the weakness of religious and moral restraint was the cause of most of the suicide cases recorded last year, along with the presence of family disputes, weak personality formation and low level of awareness and understanding of the enormity of the crime committed in resorting to these methods to escape from facing the symptoms, issues, problems and burdens of life.

New phenomena in suicide crimes

During the past period, many strange and dangerous indicators have appeared, which specialists and psychology experts attributed to the fact that many people and families have reached the stage of inability to bear the burdens of life and its harsh conditions resulting from the Houthi wars in all their forms and methods.

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