
Yemen.. Journalists Syndicate condemns death sentence issued by Houthi court against owner of two media companies in Sana'a

Political| 27 September, 2024 - 8:06 AM

Exclusive: Yemen Youth Net - Follow-ups


The Yemeni Journalists Syndicate condemned the death sentence issued by a court controlled by the Houthi militia against the owner of two media companies in Sana'a, renewing its rejection of using the judiciary as a tool to confront media institutions or journalists and drag them into the conflicts taking place in the country.

The union said in a statement that it received a report from the owner of Yemen Digital Media and Yemen Live Media Production and Satellite Broadcasting companies (Taha Ahmed Rashid Al-Maamari), stating that the Specialized Criminal Court of First Instance in Sana'a issued a ruling to execute him by firing squad and confiscate all his movable and real estate properties inside and outside the country.

She added that the Houthi ruling came - according to the report - against the backdrop of the work of the two companies that were seized by the Houthis since April 18, 2021, when an armed group affiliated with the so-called judicial guardian stormed the headquarters of the two companies owned by him, inventoried their contents and confiscated some property under the pretext of his support for the "aggression" and his residence in what they called "aggression countries", although he has been residing in Spain since 2015.

The Yemeni Journalists Syndicate strongly condemns this unjust ruling that wastes the life of a person working in the media sector and confiscates his rights based on malicious charges with the aim of seizing his property that was seized in a previous period, when satellite broadcasting stations were seized, as well as his house, a plot of land, cars he owns in Sana'a and other properties, not to mention that they operated these tools for their own benefit.

The union stressed that while it expresses its rejection of this arbitrary ruling, it also rejects "the use of the judiciary to confront media institutions or journalists and drag them into the conflicts witnessed by the country with the aim of seizing property and intimidating workers and investors in the media sector."

The Syndicate held the de facto authority in Sana'a (the Houthis) responsible for this repressive approach, demanding the cessation of these measures that violate the right of media presence and violate the rights of others.

The Syndicate called on all organizations concerned with media freedom, most notably the Arab Journalists Union and the International Federation of Journalists, to show solidarity with Al-Maamari and stand with him until the injustice is lifted and his property is restored.

Earlier on Thursday, Al-Maamari issued a statement on his Facebook page revealing the recent ruling against him and details of what he had been subjected to years ago, accusing the Houthi security and intelligence apparatus of fabricating malicious charges against him in order to seize his property.

Al-Maamari accused the Houthi militia of confiscating his two companies and their assets and operating them for their benefit, assets worth (two million, two hundred and seventy-five thousand US dollars). He also accused the militia of robbing his home, his land, and a bank balance estimated at (two hundred and six million, three hundred and seventy-four thousand, forty riyals and forty-seven fils).

Al-Maamari appealed to the United Nations, human rights organizations, the Journalists Syndicate, and all free people to stand in solidarity with him and condemn all these measures and injustices to which he was subjected, and to demand the cancellation of all these decisions, the return of his property and rights, and compensation for the damages he suffered.

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