
Aspidis: Fire still raging on oil tanker 'Sunion' attacked by Houthis in Red Sea

Political| 26 August, 2024 - 6:34 AM

Exclusive: Yemen Youth Net - Follow-ups


The European Union Naval Mission in the Red Sea "Aspedes" confirmed today, Monday, that the fire that broke out in the oil tanker "Sunion" as a result of the Houthi attacks that targeted it in the Red Sea is still ongoing.

The mission said in a statement on the X platform that the fire has been burning on the ship Sunion since August 23.

She added that a unit of hers was on a mission in the area, and reported fires in at least five locations on the main deck of the ship, and it is estimated that these fires are located around the ship's oil tank openings, in addition to that, a part of the upper structure is also on fire.

While the European mission explained that the tanker is still anchored in international waters and there are no clear indications of an oil spill, it warned all ships in the area to exercise the utmost caution, stressing that the ship "poses an imminent navigational and environmental danger."

"This type of attack not only poses a threat to freedom of navigation, but also to the lives of sailors, the environment, and therefore the lives of all citizens living in that area," Aspidis stressed.

The UK Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) said in a note on Friday that it had received reports of three fires on board the ship, which "appears to be drifting," two days after Houthi attacks targeted the tanker carrying 150 tons of crude oil off the coast of the western Yemeni city of Hodeidah, causing a fire on board and the loss of engine power.

The Houthi militia published footage documenting the burning of the Greek ship "Sunion" in the Red Sea, claiming that the attack came in response to the ship's violation of the ban imposed on Israeli ports.

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