
Bin Dagher: The October 14 Revolution was a national epic and its goals of freedom, independence and national unity must be defended

Political| 13 October, 2024 - 5:13 PM

Aden: Yemen Youth Net


The Speaker of the Yemeni Shura Council, Dr. Ahmed Obaid bin Dagher, stressed on Sunday the importance of defending the ideal values of the 14th Revolution and its noble goals of freedom, independence, and national unity, stressing that establishing a federal state is the cornerstone of future solutions to the crisis of the political system in Yemen.

Bin Dagher said on his Facebook page that the October 14 Revolution was a national epic that resonated in the mountains of Radfan, and later throughout the south and all of Yemen, so that Aden would then become the center of revolutionary action and the focus of attention, awaiting what the Yemenis there would decide.

He added: "It is no coincidence that the vanguard of the October revolutionaries are returning fighters defending September. They are led by the first martyr of the revolution, Rajih bin Ghaleb Labouza. The first battles of Radfan, which the revolutionaries fought against the British army and its supporters, heralded a new era in the occupied part of the homeland."

He stressed that celebrating this great occasion represents loyalty to the martyrs and fighters of the October 14 Revolution who watered the soil of our dear homeland with their pure blood after a long period of peaceful national and popular struggle in cities and villages, which the colonists met with the butts of their guns and with more oppression, persecution, prisons and confiscation of freedoms, in order to preserve their interests in the region and their military base in their colony of Aden.

He explained that many factors combined to bring about the revolution, but the most important of them was the victory of the immortal September 26 Revolution, which overthrew the backward, racist Imamate regime, and where thousands of people from the south rose up in its defense, and for September to become the launching pad for October towards liberation and achieving the dream of independence, which confirms the organic connection between the two revolutions, and the conscious belief in the common destiny of one people.

Bin Dagher continued: “Today we celebrate the anniversary of the revolution in recognition of the merit of the first revolutionary founding generation, and in commemoration of its ideal values and noble goals of freedom, independence, national unity, and building a new, unified Yemen.”

He added: "These are lofty goals and values that we still stand up to defend today in circumstances characterized by a great deal of complexity, an environment in which wills are raging, fleets are crowded, and where we have no choice but to confront and defeat the Houthi coup peacefully or by war, and to confront Iranian ambitions in our country."

Addressing the President of the Presidential Leadership Council, Bin Dagher said: “We in the Shura Council, the second parliamentary chamber, are concerned under your wise leadership to proceed with you to restore the state, the state of September, October and May, and in that there is no mediation.”

He added: "We are concerned with you and all the good forces in society that oppose and resist the Imamate project in overcoming the internal confusion and directing the compass of the national struggle towards the Houthis, and rebuilding Yemen on the foundations we agreed upon in a federal state of regions, that gathers our diaspora and prevents the possible causes of fragmentation, a federal state that is the pole of future solutions to the crisis of the political system in our country."

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