
“Qahtan is alive and well.” Islah leaders are angry at the absurdity of the Muscat negotiations understandings.

Political| 3 July, 2024 - 10:49 PM

Yemen Shabab Net - Exclusive

He said in a tweet on the “X” platform, “The lightness and immorality with which the Houthi militia speaks regarding the release of Qahtan does not indicate seriousness, as much as it expresses an extended desire for manipulation and verbal consumption.”

He added, "Being led by the absurd possibilities proposed by the militia and repeating them raises questions about the path of negotiation," referring to the identical statements between the delegations of the legitimate government and the Houthi militias.

For years, the Islah Party has been demanding that the Houthi militia allow the politician Muhammad Qahtan to visit and communicate with his family. This is the same position as the legitimate government in not negotiating with the Houthi militia until after Qahtan’s release.

For more than 9 years, the Houthi militia has continued to kidnap the politician and leader of the Islah Party, Muhammad Qahtan, and forcibly hide him, and prevent his family from communicating with him or visiting him, despite the militia’s repeated demands.

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