
Yemen..Teachers' Syndicate demands salary settlement and regular disbursement, threatens escalation if its demands are not met

Political| 19 October, 2024 - 6:48 AM

Aden: Yemen Youth Net


The Yemeni Journalists Syndicate called for improving the conditions of teachers and settling their salaries, including paying the suspended bonuses and allowances, and regularizing the payment of salaries in areas controlled by the government. It also called for international and UN pressure on the Houthi militia to force it to pay the salaries that have been suspended for eight years.

This came in a statement, a copy of which was received by "Yemeni Youth Net", in which it threatened to escalate through protest activities until its demands are fully met, and held those concerned fully responsible for the deterioration of the educational process as a result.

In its statement, the union demanded that the legitimate government regularly pay the salaries of teachers, both male and female, and educators at the end of each month, including those displaced from areas controlled by the Houthis, while implementing the settlements (of both types) that have been suspended since 2013, and granting the various job allowances and benefits to those entitled to them since they were suspended.

The union called for the urgent disbursement of a cost of living allowance to teachers in line with the escalating rise in the prices of essential goods and the rapid collapse of the riyal, and for the salaries of the displaced whose transactions in the finance and civil service have been suspended to be granted, in line with their colleagues who meet the criteria for displacement.

The Teachers Syndicate called on the international community, the United Nations, the UN envoy, and human rights organizations to pressure the Houthi militia and oblige it to pay the salaries it has been withholding from teachers and educators in the areas under its control for eight years.

The union held the Houthi militia fully responsible for the current situation due to its control over state institutions, looting the people’s resources, and cutting salaries for eight years, urging teachers and educators in areas under the influence of the Houthi militia to exercise their legal right to a general strike and reach civil disobedience.

In return, it held the Presidential Council and the legitimate government responsible for the deterioration of the purchasing value of the national currency in the areas under its control, and demanded the full implementation of its demands, threatening to implement an escalation program if those demands were not implemented.


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