
In a speech on the occasion of the October 14 Revolution, Al-Alimi calls for national alignment and readiness for any possible Houthi attempt to escape towards absurd escalation

Political| 13 October, 2024 - 5:43 PM

Aden: Yemen Youth Net



O free sons of Yemen everywhere,

On behalf of myself and my brothers, the members of the Presidential Leadership Council and the government, I greet you with a salute of pride and dignity once again on this glorious day... the fourteenth of October, on which the martyr Rajih Labouza and his heroic comrades put our country on the path of glory and the path of independence, starting from the lofty mountains of Radfan, after they fought heroic epics in the north of the country in victory for the revolution of the twenty-sixth of September.

On this great anniversary, we stand to draw inspiration from Aden, the capital and the free city, our eternal pulse and our eternal meeting place, which was and still is the heart of the national movement, its unity, and the stronghold of enlightenment, coexistence and peace.

We cannot celebrate this immortal October day without referring to the national unity that was embodied in Aden and the southern interior from Hawf to Bab al-Mandab, thus thwarting any other formula that does not relate to the dream of the state and equal citizenship.

The state that the heroes of October and September dreamed of is the same state that you are struggling for today... the state that does not discriminate between its people on the basis of sect, race, or region... the state that guarantees rights and freedoms, and the participation of women and youth in creating a secure future for all.

So you must believe, O great people, that the future is yours, and that Yemen will overcome all obstacles if our hearts and efforts are united. And we will do this together with full confidence and sincerity.

As is the beautiful legacy that we learned from the principles of September and October, we always begin with a pledge of loyalty to the sacrifices of the martyrs, and thanks and gratitude to our armed forces and security, all military formations, the popular resistance, and to our brave brothers in the coalition to support legitimacy led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

Dear citizens,

Dear citizens,

Despite the challenges and difficult conditions created by the Houthi militia coup, the spirit of September, October, and November is still being born with every dawn.

Today, in light of these intertwined challenges, we find ourselves facing a historical responsibility that calls for unifying the republican ranks and standing firmly against the new colonial projects through which the Iranian regime seeks to confiscate the will of our people, tear apart their identity, and tear apart their social fabric.

The October Revolution and the legendary steadfastness over the past years have taught us that a strong will is capable of achieving the impossible, and that limited capabilities do not mean weakness if combined with determination and a firm belief in the justice of the cause.

Accordingly, celebrating the anniversaries of October and November is no longer just a passing tradition, but a struggle necessity to address the effects of the past, acknowledge the problems of the present, and affirm that our political project based on the republic, democracy, and independence is still full of many achievements and transformations.

Dear free citizens,

The October anniversary is full of valuable and struggling stock, and it holds a special place in our national memory. Therefore, there is nothing more appropriate than this glorious day for us to renew our call to all political and social forces and components to strengthen their national alignment in the mission of crossing this turning point that is becoming increasingly complex with the successive developments that the region is witnessing.

The values of October and September, and the current national entitlements, require us to work in an integrated manner to achieve our basic goals, and deter the aggression and fragmentation projects led by the Iranian regime.

The genius of October was that it succeeded in achieving the independence project, and it also proceeded in a unique way in achieving the requirements of building the state, which is what we must draw inspiration from that genius to engage in an integrated political path that aims to rebuild institutions and strengthen them in the liberated governorates, in parallel with working to achieve the supreme goal that must unite us all to end the Houthi coup and the state of chaos that parts of our beloved country have been experiencing since September 21, 2014, as the Velayat-e Faqih regime persists in destroying what remains of the sources of livelihood and human dignity.

O sons of our great people at home and abroad,

Yemen has suffered enough since the Houthi militias' coup against the legitimate government on that black day, and here they are, with their foolishness, inviting the Israeli enemy to strike the nation's capabilities, infrastructure and economy, forgetting that their attacks in the Red Sea and the surrounding waters did not change anything in the equation, did not prevent the destruction of the afflicted Gaza, or make a real difference on the battlefield, but rather exacerbated the suffering and harmed the interests of the peoples of the region.

The domestic and external challenges facing the Yemeni state will never end with the presence of these rogue militias, but may take a new, more dangerous form, as the circle of confrontation expands and the humanitarian crisis in the country worsens.

Therefore, we confirmed early on that we would deal with these militias and their supporters as an “existential challenge” to the Yemeni people, their identity, and their relations with the regional and international community.

The enormity of the Iranian role will not push us to ignore Israel's extremist behavior throughout the region, and to condemn its repeated aggression against Yemen, its people's capabilities, and its national sovereignty.

Dear citizens,

We have confirmed to the world, by all means and from various platforms, your firm position on the right of the Palestinian people to establish their independent state with full sovereignty in accordance with the resolutions of international legitimacy and the Arab Peace Initiative. We have also confirmed the position of the Republic of Yemen in support of the Lebanese state, its sovereignty and its exclusive right to monopolize weapons, and the resolutions of peace and war, and the emphasis that stopping the Israeli aggression and its brutal violations is the key to the desired peace and an entry point to lift the cover from the pretexts of Iran and its agents to exacerbate the situation and their desperate attempts to confiscate the national wills of the peoples of the region.

We hope that the Houthi militias will find in these changes an opportunity to review themselves and realize that confiscating the decisions of war and peace and relying on the outside brings nothing but destruction and devastation, and that giving priority to the interests of the Yemeni people and the integrity of their lands is the best way to support the Palestinian cause and cross our country to safety.

Glory and eternity to the martyrs

Healing for the wounded

Freedom for detainees and disappeared

Victory to the homeland and its republican system

A glorious and renewed October, and a happy new year to you all.

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