
The Emirates is arranging its papers.. The first public meeting between "Tareq Saleh" and "Aidarous Al-Zubaidi" in Abu Dhabi

Political| 16 September, 2024 - 9:52 PM

Exclusive: Yemen Youth Net - Follow-ups


The first public meeting between Tariq Saleh and Al-Zubaidi

The first public meeting was held in the UAE capital, Abu Dhabi, yesterday, Monday, between the Vice Presidents of the Presidential Leadership Council, Head of the National Resistance, Tariq Saleh, and the Head of the Transitional Council, Aidarous Al-Zubaidi.

According to the resistance and Transitional Council media, the two parties stressed "the necessity of continuing effective communication and coordination in various related files and issues, and forming a communication and coordination committee to follow up on developments."

The meeting also discussed, in the news that was published in the same format on the two parties’ websites, “ways of cooperation and joint coordination; in a way that enhances the efforts made to confront the Houthi militias and terrorist and extremist groups in all their forms.”

According to the photo published at the meeting, the meeting was devoid of the Yemeni flag, as well as the separatist flag carried by the Transitional Council, indicating that the meeting may have been held under Emirati pressure.

While Tariq Saleh and his team attended the meeting in official uniform, Al-Zubaidi and his team attended in traditional dress, and observers considered that the Transitional Council was presenting itself through the meeting as a southern political component and not a representative of the south.

Observers believe that this meeting may have come as a result of an American desire, which seeks to strengthen rapprochement between the Yemeni political components opposed to the Houthis, the latest of which was its call yesterday for the Yemeni parties to unite to confront daily challenges.

According to observers, the national bloc that he had previously announced in the interim capital, Aden, with American support, had the only component opposing it, the Transitional Council, indicating the possibility that this meeting was to discuss the pending issues to include the Transitional Council in this bloc that aims to unify ranks to end the Houthi coup.

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