
Minister of Information: Houthi militia's kidnapping of September Revolution celebrants is an organized crime aimed at suppressing national sentiments

Political| 8 October, 2024 - 10:38 AM

Aden: Yemen Youth Net


Minister of Information Muammar Al-Eryani stressed that the Houthi militia's kidnapping of thousands of Yemenis celebrating the glorious September 26 Revolution, and their failure to release them, is an organized crime to suppress national sentiments.

He said in a statement on the X platform, "The continued detention of thousands of citizens by the terrorist Houthi militia affiliated with Iran, including the elite of society and its living forces of politicians, media professionals, journalists, intellectuals, human rights activists, and social figures, on the background of their celebration of the September Revolution and raising the national flag, reveals the truth of its Imamate project, its deep hatred for the revolution and the republic, its attempts to obliterate national occasions and replace them with foreign sectarian occasions, and its detachment from the national identity."

He added that the Houthi militia refused to release the detainees by force, and stipulated that they provide guarantees and pledges not to raise the national flags, to confirm that what they did was not a precautionary measure as they claimed, but rather an organized crime and systematic work aimed at suppressing national sentiments, killing the spirit of resistance within society, terrorizing Yemenis, preventing them from celebrating national holidays, and forcing them to surrender to the militias and submit to their will.

Al-Eryani pointed out that the Houthi militia considered raising the national flag in celebration of the revolution holiday a conspiracy funded from abroad to target it, and a crime that deserves punishment, confiscation of the freedom of the perpetrator, forced disappearance, and accusations of treason and collaboration, in a shocking development for all Yemenis, and a historical precedent that even the occupying countries have not taken, while they raise Iranian flags, slogans of their sectarian militias in the region, and pictures of symbols of the Tehran regime in the streets of Sana'a and the headquarters of the state.

He stressed that the massive popular celebrations of the 62nd anniversary of the September 26 Revolution in the kidnapped capital, Sana'a , and the rest of the areas controlled by the Houthi militia, spontaneously, despite the campaigns of repression, abuse and Houthi terrorism, are a clear message to the entire world of the Yemenis' rejection of the militia and its dark, backward Imamate project, and the failure of all its attempts to distort their national identity, and their adherence to the goals, values and principles of the revolution.

Al-Eryani expressed his surprise at the continued international silence on these horrific crimes and violations, calling for a clear condemnation of the Houthi campaigns of brutal repression, abuse and terrorism against citizens in the areas under their control. We also call on society to reject these oppressive policies and resist them by all means, and to express its rejection through all available and possible means.

Al-Eryani also called on the international community, the United Nations and its special envoy to listen carefully to the voices of the Yemenis in the areas forcibly controlled by the Houthi militia, support their demands and their right to a free and dignified life, condemn the brutal suppression of civilians, and exert real pressure to release all those forcibly detained, including dozens of children under the age of (15) years, without restriction or condition.

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