
Tariq Saleh: Houthi kidnapping campaigns to prevent celebrations of the revolution anniversary reflect their anti-republican priestly reality

Political| 25 September, 2024 - 4:27 PM

Taiz: Yemen Youth Net


— Basem Al-Ganani #Yemen (@Basem_Ganani) September 25, 2024

For days, the terrorist Houthi militias, supported by Iran, have been carrying out kidnapping campaigns in areas under their control, targeting dozens of journalists and activists because of articles and publications about the September 26 Revolution that overthrew the priestly Imamate rule in 1962.

The Houthi militias are living in a state of panic, fear and emergency amid calls to hold popular celebrations for the revolution holidays. The militia deployed its heavily armed elements and military vehicles in the streets of Sana'a, Ibb and Hodeidah to prevent the celebrations, with threats issued by Houthi leaders to kill those raising the national flags.

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