
Lawyer Al-Sarari: UN's leniency made Houthi militia close its offices in Sana'a

Locals| 13 August, 2024 - 7:52 PM

Yemen Youth - Follow-ups


Lawyer Hoda Al-Sarari

Lawyer Hoda Al-Sarari, head of the Defense Organization for Rights and Freedoms, said, “The United Nations and its organizations’ disregard for the Houthi militia’s violations has made the group rebel against all decisions and measures of the international community.”

Al-Sarari added in a post published on the “X” platform, “This disregard also made it threaten the world economy in the Red Sea to trade in the issue of Gaza and its people,” noting that the militia, in return, “commits what the Israeli entity commits against the Yemenis in the areas under its control.”

She pointed out that the UN's tolerance and disregard began with the militia's blatant interference and imposition of control through the (Scmcha) device on the programmes and funding of the organisations and their diversion to corruption, illegal profit and the war effort, through the arrest and kidnapping of UN employees and their accusation of malicious charges.

Lawyer Hoda Al-Sarari expressed her fears that the militias might resort to illegal trials of the kidnapped, which could lead to serious consequences for the safety and security of the victims.

Al-Sarari condemned what the militia did recently, namely storming the office of the Human Rights Commission in the occupied capital, Sana'a, and expelling its official who previously resided in Sana'a, and the second was prevented from entering his office, and now storming the office and looting its contents," she said.

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