
The Yemeni government announces the start of disbursing the dues of military and security employees dismissed from their jobs in the south of the country

Locals| 4 September, 2024 - 6:13 PM

Aden: Yemen Youth Net


The Yemeni government announced today, Wednesday, the start of the process of disbursing financial dues to military and security employees who were dismissed from their jobs in the southern governorates, numbering more than 34 thousand beneficiaries, amounting to more than 9 billion riyals, through Al-Qatibi Islamic Bank for Microfinance.

According to the Yemeni News Agency "Saba", this came within the official efforts to address the issues of employees removed from their jobs, pursuant to the issuance of presidential decisions in mid-May of last year 2023 AD.

She referred to the presidential decision starting from Decision No. (42) to Decision No. (62), pursuant to which more than 62,000 grievances of employees dismissed from their jobs were addressed, as well as in accordance with Cabinet Resolution No. (28) of 2023 regarding the approval of financial reinforcement for dismissed employees.

The agency quoted a responsible source in the Ministry of Finance as saying, "The start of the process of disbursing the dues of military and security employees who were dismissed from their jobs comes after the technical committee, which included representatives from the Ministries of Finance, Civil Service, Insurance, Defense, and Interior, and the Central Agency for Control and Accounting, completed its tasks."

The source pointed out that the tasks "included reviewing the beneficiaries' lists and the extent to which they met the conditions for disbursing their financial dues, based on the keenness to alleviate their living suffering in light of the current difficult circumstances that the country is experiencing."

Step to lift grievances

Member of the Presidential Leadership Council, Abdulrahman Al-Mahrami "Abu Zar'ah", blessed this step, which he said, "even if it came late, it came to lift grievances and redress even part of the harm that has befallen them over the past years."

Al-Mahrami said via the “X” platform, “Disbursing these dues is the result of continuous efforts to resolve the issues of forcibly dismissed employees, and it is an important step that must be followed by other steps to ensure a comprehensive solution to these issues.”

He added: "Today, we are faced with a national and moral responsibility that requires us to stand with everyone who has been harmed, and to continue working until rights are returned to their owners and social justice is achieved for all citizens of the country."

In mid-May of last year, the Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council, Rashad Al-Alimi, issued decisions to settle the status of more than 52,000 civilian and military employees who were dismissed from their jobs in the southern governorates, following the 1994 summer war.

Al-Alimi approved the decisions of the Committee for Handling the Issues of Employees Dismissed from Their Jobs in the Civil, Security and Military Fields, regarding reinstatement to service, promotion, settlement and referral to retirement according to the committee’s records.

The Chairman of the Leadership Council pledged to address the effects of the past and restore the state of national consensus, as reflected in the outcomes of the Comprehensive Dialogue Conference, the Document of Guarantees for Resolving the Southern Issue, and the agreements of the transitional phase.

In early 2013, former President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi issued a republican decree to establish two committees to address the issues of land and deported employees in the southern governorates, as part of efforts to resolve existing problems during the era of the former regime, and to address the effects of the 1994 war and everything related to it.

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