
Minister of Information calls for a broad and unprecedented media campaign to celebrate the September 26 Revolution

Locals| 6 September, 2024 - 9:04 PM

Yemen Youth - Follow-ups


Minister of Information Muammar Al-Eryani

Minister of Information and Culture Muammar Al-Eryani called on all Yemenis at home and abroad to unite efforts and implement a broad and unprecedented media campaign in celebration of the 62nd anniversary of the immortal September 26 Revolution, on the hashtag #September_26_Renewed_Revolution

Al-Eryani said on the "X" platform, "A call to every free Yemeni at home and abroad, and to every journalist, media person, and activist on social media platforms, let us unite our efforts and raise our voices loudly in a huge and unprecedented media campaign in celebration of the 62nd anniversary of the immortal September 26 Revolution."
He added, "Let us express our commitment to the goals and values of the revolution, each from his position and place, and celebrate in all available ways and forms. We decorate our homes, neighborhoods, and cars with the national flag, raise pictures, slogans, and icons of the revolution on our social media pages, publish revolutionary poems and songs, and dedicate the programs of channels, radio stations, newspapers, and all media outlets to commemorating this great national occasion."
He stressed that "this occasion is not just a memory, but rather a symbol of the will of the Yemenis for freedom and dignity, and to tear down the chains of slavery and tyranny that our ancestors suffered from," explaining that it is "an opportunity to confirm to the entire world that the spirit of the September Revolution is still alive and renewed in our hearts, and that we are continuing on the path of the fathers and grandfathers who sacrificed for the sake of the great Yemen."
The Minister of Information said, “Let us start from today (September 4) until the end of the month, and intensify our campaign from (September 24) for three days.”
Together, let's create content that inspires, unites, and ignites the flame of pride in every Yemeni. Together, let's build a bright future for Yemen and let the flag of September 26 continue to fly high in the sky of freedom.

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