
She confirmed her support for the decisions of the Central Bank.. A mass ceremony for the Sana’a resistance in the city of Ma’rib

Locals| 19 July, 2024 - 9:18 PM

Marib: Yemen Shabab Net


During the event organized by the Sanaa Resistance

The Supreme Council of Resistance in Sanaa held a massive public ceremony in the city of Marib, at the conclusion of the activities to support and support the army and security held by the resistance councils in the governorate’s districts.

In his speech, a member of the House of Representatives and Chairman of the Supreme Council of Resistance in Sana'a, Sheikh Mansour Al-Hanaq, stressed the necessity of supporting the army and security in their fateful battle against the Houthi militias.

Al-Hanaq called on the Presidential Command Council to provide battle requirements, including disbursing and increasing salaries and treating the wounded, to ensure their ability to perform their national duty efficiently.

In the context of economic reforms, Sheikh Al-Hanaq stressed the need to confirm the historic decision taken by the Central Bank regarding currency unification and economic reforms, praising the decision, which he considered an important step towards enhancing economic stability and reducing the suffering of citizens.

Sheikh Al-Hanaq called on "citizens in the areas under the control of the Houthi militias to do their duty to resist injustice, tyranny and foreign thought, and the least they can do is protect their sons and daughters from having their minds and ideas polluted by the Houthi heresies, myths and misguided ideas in the name of summer centers and education courses."

Al-Hanaq confirmed that the goal of the Houthis is to throw their children into the death pyre and kill the Yemeni people.

Sheikh Al-Hanaq extended his sincere thanks and great gratitude to the heroes of the army and security stationed on various battle fronts, stressing that after God Almighty they are the ones who maintain the security and stability of Yemen and the Republic.

He also thanked the proud Ma’rib, its leadership and local authority, and its honorable sons who sacrificed precious and precious things for the sake of the republic and the homeland, praising Ma’rib’s role as a shelter for the honorable and free from all over Yemen.

Sheikh Al-Hanaq extended his deep thanks to the Arab coalition, especially the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, led by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz and his Crown Prince, Prince Mohammed bin Salman, for their continued support for Yemen and its constitutional legitimacy for nine years, calling for the continuation of this support until the desired goals are achieved, which is the return of legitimacy. And overthrowing the Houthi coup.

At the conclusion of his speech, Sheikh Mansour Al-Hanaq thanked the councils and members of the resistance in all districts of Sana’a Governorate for their sincere efforts and activities in support of the army and security forces, praising the committees organizing this event and their wonderful performance, stressing their vital role in supporting stability and security in Yemen.

In the speech of the political parties in the governorate, a member of the central committee of the Nasserist Popular Unionist Organization and the secretary of the organization in Sana’a Governorate, Zainallah Al-Matari, praised the courageous and patriotic decisions taken by the Presidential Leadership Council and the leadership of the Central Bank of Yemen, stressing that they are in the interest of all Yemenis and support the national economy.

Al-Matari called for supporting these decisions and moving forward with their implementation without hesitation, stressing that retreating from them would have serious catastrophic damage to the Yemenis and their confidence in their sovereign institutions.

Al-Matari praised the struggle of the people of Sana'a Governorate, and they were and still are alongside all the honorable people of the country in confronting the Houthi militias in various fields.

Al-Matari explained that the people of Sanaa brought convoys of martyrs and wounded and were ready to ransom their homeland and their republic with blood and money, defying all difficulties and foiling all conspiracies and machinations aimed at splitting ranks and sowing differences.

Al-Matari stressed the importance of comprehensive national alignment in the face of the terrorist Houthi gang, stressing that the national political parties and forces will continue to defend the republican system, political pluralism and national partnership, despite all the blows that the pluralistic experience has suffered as a result of the Houthi coup.

He said: “In this massive event, we affirm our firm and principled position of adhering to the state project against the militia project, and the republic project against the imamate and priesthood project, and with the freedom and equal citizenship project against the slavery and sectarian project, and the comprehensive development project against the project of stealing the country’s wealth and its value for the benefit of A group claiming divine right to what God has sent down of authority, and with the prosperous Yemen project within its Arab surroundings and against the project to transform Yemen into an Iranian-Persian base. We will work on that with all our national partners with every effort, and without getting tired or bored, relying on God and on the steadfastness and fathers of our free people who refused. slavery".

The event was attended by a large number of officials, military commanders, political and social figures, and a large gathering of citizens. It included poems, songs and dances from popular folklore, all of which urged unification and constant readiness to confront the militia.

It is noteworthy that the resistance councils in Sana'a Governorate held a number of mass events, seminars and meetings over the past month, in support of the army and security in the battle to restore the state.

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