
Sanaa.. The Houthi militia raises its taxes on the stalls in Al-Zahrawi Market (document)

Locals| 17 July, 2024 - 11:32 AM

Yemen Shabab Net - Exclusive


Sanaa stalls

The terrorist Houthi militia raised its illegal levies on simple vendors in a Sanaa market to more than 200%, despite its claims to stop these levies.


Documents, a copy of which was obtained by "Yemen Shabab Net", showed that the Houthi militia was extracting millions of riyals from the carpets of Al-Zahrawi Market in Sana'a by force, without right.


The document indicates that the Houthi militia, through its leader (Najib Yahya Sharaf al-Din), whom the militia granted the status of Undersecretary of the Capital Secretariat for Investment Affairs, assigned a person named (Muhammad Hassan Ali Al-Jabr) to the duties of the market minder and collector of taxes from the two carpets of Al-Zahrawi Market in the Al-Safiya neighborhood next to Park 26. September.


According to the document, the militia imposed on the carpetbaggers 2.5 million riyals in the old version (the dollar is about 538 riyals), as monthly taxes.


The document shows that the new agreement was implemented at the beginning of last March, that is, only a year after Houthi allegations that it had completely stopped any levies or collections from peasants in Sanaa.


According to informed sources, the amount is an increase of 200% compared to what was the case last March, the date the new taxes came into effect, when the amount collected from the rugs was about 800 thousand riyals per month.


Under the new Houthi increase on the stalls of Al-Zahrawi Market, what is collected from each stall ranges between 30-40 thousand riyals per month, according to the sources, who indicated that there are additional taxes extracted from the stalls in the name of cleanliness and guards, ranging daily between 800-2000 riyals in the old version. .

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