
The local authority in Marib launches the humanitarian response plan for the years 2024-2025

Locals| 16 July, 2024 - 8:52 PM

Yemen Youth - Follow-ups


Launching the humanitarian response plan in Marib

The local authority in Ma'rib Governorate launched the governorate's humanitarian response plan for the years 2024-2025, amid a wide presence of international, international and regional organizations.

The plan, which was issued in a large book in Arabic and English, explained that the humanitarian crisis in Ma’rib Governorate is the worst in Yemen after nine years of war, according to the Saba Agency.

She pointed out that a high percentage of citizens in Marib face death, hunger, and diseases more than any other governorate, and hundreds of thousands of people are only one step away from starvation.

The plan indicated that Ma’rib Governorate was classified within the fourth stage of the Integrated Interim Classification System for the year 2024 AD.

It presented an accurate presentation of the humanitarian situation in the governorate in numbers and percentages, in addition to accurate statistics on the population of the governorate, which is considered the largest concentration of displaced people in Yemen, as it has so far reached 3 million, 59 thousand and 752 people, including 2 million and 134 thousand and 497 displaced men and women, and 531,003 people. Host community.

The plan noted the presence of about 37,541 African immigrants, while the plan presented a matrix of humanitarian needs at the level of each of the basic humanitarian sectors.

During the announcement event of the plan, the governorate’s deputy, Dr. Abd Rabbuh Muftah, confirmed that the large population center in the governorate, whose increasing needs posed a major challenge to the local authority over the past years, and the challenges increased with the increasing needs and the continued displacement to the governorate in light of the significant decline in humanitarian interventions by humanitarian work partners due to the shortage. Finance.

He pointed out that this plan is considered a framework for activating the partnership with humanitarian partners and determining their humanitarian interventions in light of the plan that highlights the most important needs in various sectors, both the needs related to emergency interventions and the needs related to needs with a developmental and sustainable dimension that help the population withstand and enable recovery after the war.

Muftah stressed that the local authority will continue to provide all facilities to humanitarian partners in order to alleviate the suffering of the population, respond to their needs, and mitigate the catastrophe of the humanitarian crisis that is deepening in light of the economic deterioration and climate changes, and the continuation of the Houthi terrorist militia in the war, escalation, and forced displacement of citizens.

For his part, the director of the OCHA office in Ma’rib Governorate, Saeed Musa, praised the humanitarian response plan, stressing that OCHA will work to integrate it with the United Nations humanitarian plan, and work more in the coming days.

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