
Houthi militia storms girls' school in Hamdan under pretext of organizing a celebration for September 26 anniversary (video)

Locals| 12 September, 2024 - 11:52 PM

Exclusive: Yemen Youth Net - Follow-ups


Picture of Houthi militants

Informed sources said that the Houthi militia stormed a girls' school in Hamdan District, north of the capital Sana'a, to thwart a celebratory event marking the anniversary of the September 26 Revolution.

According to sources, the militia stormed the girls' school, expelled the students from the school, and decided to close it.

The sources attributed the reason for the Houthi storming of the school to "the pretext that the school administration was arranging a national celebration on the occasion of the anniversary of the September 26 Revolution."

The sources confirmed that the militia thwarted the school administration's arrangements and preparations to organize this celebration after storming the school and closing it.

Activists posted videos on social media of the militia storming the school, and how it spread panic and fear among the students, who rushed to leave the school.

Yemeni activists expressed their condemnation of the Houthi militia’s crime of storming the school, with all its barbarism and decadence, without any religious restraint or regard for values or the sanctity of the school.

The Houthi militia has intensified campaigns against activists and educators to prevent any celebrations of the September 26 anniversary, and has issued circulars to primary and secondary schools in Sana'a and the governorates to prevent any celebrations.

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