
Advisor to the Minister of Education: 250,000 teachers in Yemen do not receive salaries. He asks: How do they perform their duties?

Locals| 5 October, 2024 - 7:42 PM

Exclusive: Yemen Youth Net


Yemeni teachers have no rights or salaries

Advisor to the Minister of Education, Abdulaziz Sultan, said that the whole world is celebrating World Teachers' Day today, by promoting teachers, honoring them, and improving their conditions, while in Yemen we have more than 250,000 teachers without salaries and without any rights.

The advisor to the Minister of Education asked in a statement to the "Yemeni Youth" channel, "How do these teachers live? How can they treat themselves and their children?" Pointing out that there are a number of teachers kidnapped in Houthi prisons, including the head of the teachers' union in the capital, Saad Al-Nazili, who has been kidnapped for about ten years.

Abdul Aziz Sultan stressed that "the legitimate government has many rights for teachers that have not been paid yet, such as the cost of living allowance and salary differences," noting that the 2011 teachers in the legitimate government areas receive salaries estimated at 50 thousand riyals.

He asked: "What does the teacher do with this amount of money? How can he live and do his duty in this situation?" stressing that they are doing their duty but in a tired mental state, due to their inability to meet the requirements of life for themselves and their families.

He stressed that salaries in areas controlled by the legitimate government are sometimes not worth a bag of wheat. In this regard, he called on international organizations to rescue teachers who are living in tragic humanitarian conditions in areas controlled by the Houthis.

At the same time, he called on the Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council, Rashad Al-Alimi, and Prime Minister Ahmed bin Mubarak to quickly pay teachers’ rights, provide the necessary gifts to honor them on this day, and pay attention to this large sector.

On Saturday, the Yemeni Network for Victims' Associations condemned the serious violations against teachers in Yemen, especially in areas controlled by the Iranian-backed Houthi militias, calling for the immediate release of the kidnapped teachers.

The association said in a statement on the occasion of World Teachers' Day that Yemeni teachers have been suffering for nearly ten years from the war sparked by the Houthi group, which has led to their deprivation of their financial, civil and political rights, in addition to their exposure to various forms of violence and violations, including arbitrary arrest, kidnapping and forced displacement.

For its part, the Yemeni Teachers Syndicate said that the Yemeni teacher has been living for 9 years in a tragic financial situation that has exceeded the levels of suffering and pain, calling on the international community to exert pressure on the Houthi group to restore the payment of all salaries that teachers were deprived of in the areas under its control, retroactively and on an ongoing basis.

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