
Meeting in Marib discusses establishing a specialized center for treating cancerous tumors in the governorate

Locals| 16 September, 2024 - 7:45 PM

Yemen Youth - Follow-ups


Meeting of the agent Miftah Hadramout Foundation team in Marib

A meeting in Marib, held today, Monday, headed by the governor’s deputy, Abd Rabbuh Miftah, discussed establishing a specialized center for treating cancerous tumors in the governorate, which includes more than three million displaced people.

This came during the meeting of Undersecretary Miftah with the Hadhramaut Foundation for Cancer Control team, headed by Mohammed Salem, to enhance partnership and cooperation to establish a specialized center for the treatment of cancerous tumors in the governorate; to alleviate the suffering of patients and travel for treatment abroad or in the governorates.

According to the government's Saba news agency, the meeting, which included the director of the Health and Population Office in the province, Dr. Ahmed Al-Abbadi, and the executive director of the Al-Tafaul Foundation for Supporting and Caring for Cancer Patients in the province, Dr. Ibrahim Mohammed Daghmas, discussed aspects of cooperation to accelerate the procedures for implementing the project on the ground to alleviate the suffering of thousands of cancer patients in light of the increasing incidence of this malignant disease in the province, which is inhabited by more than 3 million people, most of whom are displaced.

The head of the Hadhramout Foundation team gave a detailed explanation of the visit to Ma'rib Governorate, which aims to conduct field studies and determine the available capabilities and opportunities to establish an integrated project to treat cancer patients in the governorate and put it at the top of its priorities due to the severity of the actual need and population density, in order to alleviate the suffering of patients and save travel costs.

On the other hand, the Deputy Governor, Dr. Abdul Rabbo Miftah, during his meeting with the Executive Director of the Hadhramaut Foundation for Rural Development, Mohammed bin Fadl, and the accompanying team visiting the governorate, was informed about the level of implementation of the current interventions of the foundation in the food and shelter sectors for the displaced in the governorate in coordination with the Executive Unit for the Management of Displaced Persons Camps.

He also listened to an explanation of the Foundation’s most prominent projects, its humanitarian role, its sectors of work, and its international, local, and regional humanitarian partnerships.

The Undersecretary of Marib Governorate stressed the importance of strengthening the humanitarian partnership between the local authority and the Foundation and the possibility of expanding its humanitarian interventions, especially with regard to the emergency response project to provide relief to those affected by the rains and storms that the governorate recently witnessed. He appreciated the humanitarian role of the Hadhramaut Foundation for Rural Development in the governorate.

The first medical conference held in Ma'rib Governorate at the end of last May recommended the establishment of a specialized oncology center in the governorate that provides basic diagnostic and therapeutic services, and its services are free for all cancer patients.

The conference called for the necessity of establishing a sewage system in Ma'rib Governorate to confront the spread of infectious diseases, especially parasites that spread in the camps for the displaced and among the population and cause sewage overflows that are harmful to health and the environment, as studies have proven.

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