
Human Rights Network: Houthi Militia Committed More Than 10,000 Violations Against Yemeni Women

Locals| 22 October, 2024 - 7:34 AM

Exclusive: Yemen Youth Net - Follow-ups


A Yemeni human rights network announced the documentation of more than 10,000 cases of violations committed by the terrorist Houthi militia against Yemeni women over more than 7 years.

The Yemeni Network for Rights and Freedoms said in a human rights report that it documented (10,156) violations committed by the Houthi militias in Yemen against women during the period from September 21, 2016 - March 1, 2024, distributed over (17) Yemeni governorates, namely (Hodeidah, Al Dhale’e, Taiz, Hajjah, Dhamar, Lahj, Marib, Raymah, Shabwa, Ibb, Abyan, the Capital Secretariat, Al Bayda, Al Jawf, Saada, Sana’a, Aden, Amran).

The organization stated that it documented (2786) cases of women being killed as a result of artillery shelling, as well as Houthi sniper fire and indiscriminate firing of live ammunition, and the killing of (1274) Yemeni women as a result of the explosion of mines planted by the Houthi group in the streets and public roads, inside residential neighborhoods, farms, grazing areas, and public markets, and (46) cases of Yemeni women being killed by the Houthi coup militia in (9) Yemeni governorates in other incidents that varied between stabbings, running over with vehicles, beating with hands, or causing death.

The network indicated that Taiz Governorate topped the list of murder victims with (1802) cases, followed by Al-Hodeidah Governorate with (419) cases, followed by Aden Governorate with (158) cases, then Lahj Governorate with (142) cases, followed by Ma'rib Governorate with (141) cases and the same in Al-Jawf Governorate, while the rest of the cases were distributed in Al-Dhale' Governorate, Abyan, Al-Bayda, Ibb, the Capital Secretariat, Al-Mahwit, Dhamar, Raymah, Shabwa, Sa'dah, Sana'a, and Amran.

The network added that it documented (4369) Yemeni women injured as a result of the systematic bombing launched by the Houthi militias during the past years on neighborhoods, popular markets, and public gathering places in (17) Yemeni governorates, using ballistic missiles, Katyushas, mortars, tanks, and BMB vehicles.) and B10 rocket launchers, in addition to various types of heavy machine guns and anti-aircraft guns that penetrated the walls of thousands of inhabited homes and reached the kitchens and inside the bedrooms, and some of them continued to chase the women wherever they went, even to the places designated for collecting firewood and fetching water in the valleys and on the tops of the mountains.

It also documented the injury of (1234) Yemeni women as a result of mines and explosive devices planted by the Houthi militias in various Yemeni governorates. They sustained serious injuries, some of whom lost some or all of their upper and lower limbs and left with permanent or partial disabilities, including (475) cases of permanent disabilities.

The network explained that the Houthi militia kidnapped, detained, and tortured (447) women during the period, including 69 women who were taken to secret prisons and subjected to enforced disappearance, and (78) of them were subjected to all forms of torture and cruel and humiliating treatment, which reached the point of directing fabricated charges affecting their honor, in addition to trading in their honor.

The network called on the international community, the United Nations and its Secretary-General for Yemen to quickly intervene to stand against these crimes and stop these militias from committing these crimes and violations against Yemeni women.

It also called for an urgent and transparent investigation into all cases of human rights violations and holding accountable all those involved from the leaders of the Houthi militias in accordance with international charters and agreements and the rules of international humanitarian law.

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