
I'm familiar with the seven most vulnerable jobs than artificial intelligence

Information and science| 25 June, 2024 - 12:07 AM


Artificial intelligence is no longer a futuristic concept; Rather, it is a reality that is reshaping the labor market at an unprecedented pace. While AI offers huge benefits in terms of efficiency and productivity, it also poses a major threat to certain types of jobs.

According to the American Forbes magazine, there are a number of jobs that will be more affected than others by artificial intelligence developments, as artificial intelligence is likely to replace them first, with a focus on roles that include routine and organized tasks that are easy to operate by smart systems.

1- Data entry and administrative tasks:

Data entry and administrative tasks are one of the first job categories in AI's crosshairs; Artificial intelligence excels at processing and organizing vast amounts of data quickly and accurately, making jobs that revolve around data entry, scanning documents, and sorting information extremely vulnerable.

The report considered that these jobs - which are based on repetitive and rule-based tasks - are ideal candidates for automation. Intelligent systems can enter, organize, and manage data more efficiently than humans, reducing errors and freeing up time for employees to focus on more complex activities.

2- Manufacturing and assembly lines

In the manufacturing sector, artificial intelligence and robotics have become indispensable, especially for repetitive physical tasks. Robots equipped with artificial intelligence can perform tasks such as product assembly, welding and packaging, with greater accuracy and efficiency than humans.

These systems are particularly useful in high-volume production settings; It can work continuously without fatigue or interruption, which reduces costs and increases productivity. As a result, many manufacturing and assembly line functions are being replaced by automated systems.

3- Retail

Retail checkouts are another area where AI is making big inroads; Automated checkouts and self-service kiosks are becoming increasingly common in supermarkets and retail stores, reducing the need for human cashiers.

AI-based systems can autonomously handle transactions, manage inventory, and even provide personalized shopping experiences. They also provide the ease and efficiency of automated payment processes, which in turn leads to a decline in the roles of humans performing the same role.

4- Basic analytical roles

Basic analytical functions, such as simple financial analysis or reporting, are also moving toward automation. AI systems can process large sets of data, identify trends, and generate reports more quickly and accurately than humans.

These capabilities are especially useful for tasks that involve routine data analysis, such as creating financial summaries, market reports, or performance metrics. As AI continues to improve, more basic analytical roles will be automated, shifting demand toward more complex analytical tasks.

5- Graphic design for beginners

Graphic design is not immune to the AI ​​revolution; AI tools are now able to produce basic design elements and automate simple graphic design tasks that previously required human designers. These tools can create logos, social media posts, and even website layouts, providing fast and cost-effective solutions for businesses.

According to Forbes: While AI-generated designs may lack the creative flair and uniqueness of human designers, they are sufficient to meet many basic design needs, putting entry-level graphic design jobs at risk.

6- Translation

The field of translation is greatly influenced by artificial intelligence; Machine translation services have become increasingly sophisticated. AI-based translators can handle multiple languages ​​and provide real-time translation services, making them a cost-effective alternative to human translators.

While an accurate understanding of language and cultural context still requires human expertise, entry-level translation jobs that involve direct text translation are particularly vulnerable to automation.

7- Routine photography

Corporate photography is another area where artificial intelligence is making great strides. Basic photography tasks, such as taking live shots of websites or corporate events, can now be automated using generative AI.

These systems can adjust lighting, framing, and even editing, to produce high-quality images with minimal human intervention. While complex and creative photography still requires human talent, routine corporate photography tasks are increasingly being handled by artificial intelligence.

Adaptation and creativity
Forbes promised that although the development of artificial intelligence indicates major shifts in the labor market; As it may replace certain roles; It also opens up new opportunities in sectors that require complex decision-making, emotional intelligence, and creative skills, traits that AI cannot emulate.

The report notes that understanding these trends is critical to preparing the workforce of the future. Education and training will need to adapt to help people move into roles where human expertise remains irreplaceable.

As AI continues to evolve, it is essential to embrace change and develop skills that complement rather than compete with intelligent systems. By focusing on areas where human creativity, empathy, and complex problem solving are critical, we can ensure harmonious coexistence with AI, paving the way for the future; Technology enhances human potential rather than replaces it.

Source: Forbes magazine

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