
the Houthis

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Thursday, 8 August, 2024 - 5:23 PM

Centcom: F-22 aircraft arrive in the Middle East to confront the threats of Iran and the groups it supports

The commander of the US Fifth Fleet said that the military arsenal of the Houthi group in Yemen has become more powerful than it was a decade ago.

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Tuesday, 6 August, 2024 - 12:27 AM

American Institute: The economic agreement in Yemen under UN sponsorship reduces pressure on the Houthis

An American institute said, "The agreement reached by the United Nations to lift economic restrictions on the Central Bank of Yemen may unintentionally encourage the Houthis and enhance their ability to demonstrate military power."

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Friday, 2 August, 2024 - 6:46 PM

United Nations: Widespread violations and forced deportation of African migrants in Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said that the Houthis in Sanaa and Saada Governorate forcibly deported thousands of African migrants towards the city of Aden.

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Saturday, 6 July, 2024 - 10:50 PM

A widespread outbreak of cholera in Houthi-controlled areas in Hodeidah

Identical local and medical sources revealed the widespread spread of the cholera epidemic in Houthi-controlled areas in Hodeidah Governorate (western Yemen).

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Saturday, 6 July, 2024 - 6:30 PM

Houthi militias bomb populated areas in the Taiz and Marib regions

During the past few hours, the Houthi militia launched bombing on residential neighborhoods in the Ma’rib and Taiz governorates, causing injuries among civilians, including a child.

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Wednesday, 3 July, 2024 - 10:58 PM

The family of politician Muhammad Qahtan announces its rejection of the farces of the Muscat negotiations and holds Al Houthi fully responsible

The family of the leader of the Islah Party, Muhammad Qahtan, announced its categorical rejection of what it described as “the farces and statements issued by Muscat regarding his release and his life.”

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