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Monday, 16 September, 2024 - 6:06 PM

Marib.. A political and intellectual symposium on participation in the political process and democratic transformations in Yemen

The Political Department of the General Secretariat of the Yemeni Congregation for Reform held a political symposium in the city of Marib today, Monday, to read about the Reform experience in political participation and democratic transformation, on the occasion of the 34th anniversary of the founding of the Reform.

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Wednesday, 11 September, 2024 - 6:55 PM

The return of the spirit to the republican culture threatens the rule of the Houthi gang in Yemen

With the establishment of the republic, the isolation imposed by the Imamate regime on North Yemen ended. The revolution opened the door to competition for power, as power was no longer the monopoly of a family or class based on a religious text, but rather the rule was based on a democratic constitutional foundation, which made everyone equal in rights and duties.

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Friday, 6 September, 2024 - 9:04 PM

Minister of Information calls for a broad and unprecedented media campaign to celebrate the September 26 Revolution

Minister of Information and Culture Muammar Al-Eryani called on all Yemenis at home and abroad to unite efforts and implement a broad and unprecedented media campaign in celebration of the 62nd anniversary of the immortal September 26 Revolution, on the hashtag #September_26_Renewed_Revolution

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